Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] the [adj] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After this , Pound 's relations with England and the English were for the most part an aspect of his relations with that one of his erstwhile protégés who had become , surprisingly , a pillar of the English establishment — Eliot , editor of the Criterion .
2 One is Oxford and the other is in Leeds .
3 Erm , one , one set for Paul and one for Neil , P for Paul and the coloured 's for Neil .
4 At least a terminus post quem for Molla Arab 's service as can be established from several scattered statements in the that before becoming a Molla Arab studied under Hizir Bey while the latter was at the Sultan medrese in Bursa ; that Hizir Bey was appointed to that medrese by Mehmed II ; and that Hizir Bey recommended Hocazade to Murad II after Hocazade had served as his muid at the Sultan medrese .
5 Again , file extensions are useful for identifying the package used : DOC files are from word processors , DBF , DB and the like are from database management systems , and the WKS , WK1 , WKT family denote worksheets produced with a spreadsheet .
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