Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] a [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The front pages of every publication from the Communist Party 's daily newspaper , Scînteia , through to obscure literary journals and even the calendar of religious festivals issued by the tame Orthodox Church , always displayed a portrait of Nicolae Ceauşescu or a photograph of the ‘ most beloved couple ’ .
2 No sooner than formally constituted , the Standard reported the links would become a great boom to the town , although before January 1907 was out , a Leader article read as follows , ( doubtless written by either Charles Luker or a member of the Club Committee ) — ‘ It is to be hoped that a commencement of the projected new golf links at Henley will not be long delayed .
3 The success of Gerald Cordle at Bradford Northern could persuade Webbe that a move to the Boulevard would be in his interests .
4 The Ferrari team were upset by FISA president Jean-Marie Balestre 's statement on Tuesday that an appeal against the $50,000 fine imposed on Mansell would go ahead on 18 October , despite their request that it be postponed because the Japanese Grand Prix is on 22 October .
5 Too often people throw up ideas — ‘ Let's have so-and-so as a speaker on Tuesday and a dance on the Wednesday and a banquet on Thursday ’ — without ever stopping to think how any of these will help reach goals or fit into the overall time .
6 Of course I got the ferry to Appin and a lift to the very pier south of the narrows of Loch Leven where JTR landed .
7 For , by mid-1952 , Franco had decided that Spain 's international standing and his own personal prestige would be enhanced by concluding a bilateral agreement with the United States and a concordat with the Vatican .
8 On July 9 the leaders of Djibouti , Ethiopia , Kenya , Sudan and Uganda and a representative of the Somali government met in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa , in the context of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Drought and Development ( IGADD ) .
9 Well then they all come out , everybody , even Dave come out of the union and the only two that were left in it were Jane and Karen on our side and a couple from the warehouse and like there was Judith and I think Sonyou and a couple from the letter shop I , I , I do n't know , I do n't think Elaine went but I think the rest were , yes there were Pam and I think , I think Nigel were , but anyway when Judith comes up about what union money was left , I do n't know where it was left from or how it 's imposed , but they split the
10 And what was Greenham but a phenomenon of the 1980s ?
11 The most significant of these was the substitution of a wooden table for a stone altar , a move that gave a visual emphasis to the Protestant belief that the eucharist was not the re-enactment of Christ 's sacrifice on Calvary but a remembrance of the Last Supper .
12 Another commando raid that summer was mounted by 12 Commando ; 16 men led by 2nd Lieutenant Pinkney landing near Ambleteuse where they made a general reconnaissance returning safely to England although a stoker on the naval craft was killed by enemy action , probably during the withdrawal .
13 A state of near-panic by the authorities had accompanied the harvest , beginning with reports in July that a quarter of the country 's combine harvesters were out of action because of a lack of spare parts .
14 That same year , Haughey bought a house designed by the 18th- century architect Gandon and a farm outside the city .
15 Last year she took part in an environmental project and won a holiday in Dorset and a day at the Dorchester in London A pupil at Conyer School , Yarm , Catherine said she would like to continue writing , particularly as a career .
16 William Morton Pitt of Kingston Maurwood , MP for Dorset and a relative of the two famous Prime Ministers ‘ impressed with the beauty of the situation of Swanwich and the salubrity of its climate , and finding the shore of smooth fine sand to be admirably adapted for sea bathing , first conceived the idea of raising it to the condition of a watering place ’ .
17 In his first , Lucky Jim , there had been an offensive character called Bertrand , a painter and a pacifist who preferred his name to be pronounced in the French manner : clearly a late derivative of Bloomsbury and a poseur of the worst water ; and even if he were not a rival-in-love of the hero , that ( one feels ) would be all that needed to be said about him .
18 Despite concessions to the Marxist wing of the party — including a reduction in the size of the SDF and a characterization of the 1960 US-Japan Security Treaty as a " temporary " arrangement — the policy , if adopted by the party as a whole , would amount to a considerable revision of the unilateralist defence programme which the SDPJ had maintained since 1955 .
19 I 'm a boarder at a school in Derbyshire and a member of the school 's Army Cadets , and we were going to the Beacons as part of a self-reliance exercise .
20 It took Paul five hours to buy all the materials from Waitrose , Safeway and a man in the high street with a shop that shut at two-thirty on Saturdays .
21 When the Bashkirs , supported by Lenin and a minority of the leadership , complained at being deprived of the autonomous republic , the secretary of the central executive told them , ‘ That whole autonomous republic which you take so seriously is only a game to keep you people busy . ’
22 He divided his time between his houses in London and Streatley and a villa in the South of France .
23 McGrain , capped 62 times by Scotland and a member of the SFA 's Hall of Fame , was unable to use the free ticket given to him and the rest of that elite group for all Scotland 's matches .
24 Thomas Pennant was here the following year and his account of his visit with John Lightfoot , the botanist , which appears in " A Tour in Scotland and a Voyage to the Hebrides in 1772 " ( Chester 1774 ) is very important and is much used by later writers .
25 Thomas Pennant was here the following year and his account of his visit with John Lightfoot , the botanist , which appears in " A Tour in Scotland and a Voyage to the Hebrides in 1772 " ( Chester 1774 ) is very important and is much used by later writers .
26 The company was formed on Albert Hill in 1864 and by the time it closed in 1879 it had been responsible for 40 bridges in Denmark , 20 bridges in Sweden all built in 1874 , all the viaducts on the Whitby-RedcarMiddlesbrough line including the Staithes Viaduct , Llandudno pier , a bridge in Syria , another over the Tay in Scotland and a footbridge over the Tees at Barnard Castle .
27 The meeting was held at the Strathallan Hotel in Scotland and an overview of the Hygiene division and it services were discussed .
28 Andronikos was a leading member of the Archaeological Association of Athens and a member of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies in London and the Society for Macedonian Studies in Thessalonika .
29 You began your recording career in Berlin in 1938 with the Staatskapelle and a performance of the Overture to Die Zauberflöte .
30 After exhaustive investigations the supplier was identified as Herr Ignatz of Wurzburg and a solicitor by the name of Medicus was recommended by Deutz & Geldermann to settle the matter .
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