Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [noun prp] [verb] [pers pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Orton and Vera said they had been abducted by Malawian agents during a visit to a Zambian town close to the Malawian border .
2 A measure of the difference between Mr Major 's personal standing and Mrs Thatcher 's is that , whereas a mere 19 per cent of voters on Friday and Saturday said they thought Mr Major would make the worst Prime Minister , nearly double that proportion , 34 per cent , thought the same of Mrs Thatcher five years ago .
3 ‘ I feel as if we failed that man somewhere , ’ she said a little later as together with David and Martin Foulds she watched the ambulance leave the factory .
4 Then she ran to find Ferdinando to tell him and they embraced and it was he who said , ‘ She is an angel ! ’ of Mrs Browning and Wilson realised she had expressed not a word of gratitude .
5 Before Cameron and Menzies left they had written down lists of safe houses , sources of milk and meal , and secure points further west .
6 Malcolm and Ross said they did .
7 Malcolm and Judy said they did n't know they had so many friends . ’
8 Looking back on their ten years of marriage , Davina and Alastair feel they stopped being in touch with what their needs were after their children were born .
9 rung Keith and Keith said he did n't know whether he 'd be able to come today but he 'd do his best .
10 Manfred and Gloria said they 'd met them and were trying to shake them off , ’ Mick replied .
11 ‘ People like Stock , Aitken & Waterman thought they 'd discovered a formula for pop music , and there is n't a formula .
12 Yesterday Barclays and Lloyds announced they wanted to join Switch , the debit card network founded by National Westminster , Midland and Royal Bank of Scotland .
13 Bridget and Daniel found they had to do exactly that .
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