Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [subord] [pron] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Much as she loved Nora , she was sufficiently realistic about her cousin to know that whatever was beginning to develop in her niece would be much more likely to come to something if Constance remained with her in Surrey than if she returned to the north .
2 His father owned a record shop in Baltimore and before he went to university he had become the buyer for the shop , a job which provided an unlikely education .
3 Walter had been friendly with David in England and when he came to Scotland , David granted him lands in Ayrshire , Renfrewshire , Argyll , Bute and the Lothians .
4 they go on about Shakespeare and Chauce Chaucer but if you spoke to them the way Chaucer used to speak they would n't understand a word you were saying .
5 I wanted to find someone to help Mrs Hobbs but as I went to the desk , she was already being carried through the door .
6 I think I told Liverpool that if it gets to erm Caernarvon to the Caernarvon office by today it will appear in this week 's issue .
7 Behind the HQ building , to the right of what Waters called the Paddock but before you got to the Wood , was a small black circle quite close to the boundary fence .
8 Ever since 1099 , when the first crusaders captured the Holy City and massacred the people who lived there , Jews and Muslims alike , the Christians had always treated Jerusalem as though it belonged to them alone .
9 Now I comes to think on it , I 've not set eyes on Black Will since afore we went to the Garden Tower last evening . ’
10 The most crucial aspect is whether we want our currency to be locked into a stable currency in Europe or whether we want to be able to devalue our currency in the hope of averting unemployment .
11 ‘ What is very important is to turn the screw on Iran , to make it clear to Iran that if it wants to be treated as an equal member of the community of nations , it has to stop trying to murder their citizens .
12 We achieved good wins in and around Montreal and when we moved to Ottawa our lead had increased to 150 shots .
13 ‘ There 's steelworks on one side of Wollongong and as you get to the other side , where we 're closer to , it 's all tropical rain forest and beach .
14 Tixier-Vignancour emerged from this period of enforced reflection with a deep loathing for General de Gaulle and when he returned to politics in 1955 he was one of the architects of the revival of the extreme right , using the popular cause of ‘ Algerie Francaise ’ as a rallying point .
15 Greg glanced uncertainly from Rachel to Nina but as he turned to the door Rachel stopped him .
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