Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [vb past] [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He darted a brief glance towards Therese and saw she had a surprised little smile on her face , the smile of a professional who discovers she will be singing with a partner well above average .
2 Detailing the design features that gave the Connie its unique shape the film goes on to show the various changes and marks of the Connie that enabled it to become a flying legend in civil and military use .
3 He had worked for a year in the Ukraine and said he liked the people there more than those he had met in the West - they were more open and friendly .
4 This was taken direct to Queen Yolande who had summoned Alexander and told him to take the King 's favourite horse , a white mare stabled at Kinghorn , down to the ferry .
5 Their president , Gordon Stulberg , became president of Twentieth Century-Fox and asked me to direct The Poseidon Adventure , which became the company 's most profitable film .
6 I went to Grenoble and discovered they had a small project on the outskirts , which had been a piece of wasteland ; they ploughed it all down , replanned it , had a complete new housing estate , hotel , the lot , in less than five years , where the City Council would be thinking about which bit of land to use , what to put there , how to do it , and ten years later they might think about producing a plan , and ten years after that ( that 's twenty years on ) something would appear .
7 He was close to MacDonald and trusted him to respect the constitution .
8 And it was only the brave pleading of hostage Barbara Brady that persuaded him to hand the ammunition over , the Old Bailey was told .
9 Had the crowd not been prepared to accept the directions of the stewards at Carlisle Square and had they made an attempt to follow the original route , there would have been a major clash with the RUC and the loyalists and large-scale violence .
10 A woman drove a van into the garage at Cooksdown in County Tyrone and asked him to fit a new exhaust .
11 Myeloski nudged Duncan and signalled him to watch a scene farther on , just by a small playground .
12 General Montgomery , who had been brought back from Italy to take a very prominent part in the ‘ D day ’ operation and the subsequent advance through France , Belgium , Holland and Germany , had been appointed Field Marshall and found himself considered a hero of the people , wherever he went .
13 Some of the sound tests were done by a computer and luckily I had access to a computer from my dealer in Bath that enabled me to set the sound up perfectly .
14 The Audi that thought it had a clear run had to brake hard …
15 I despaired when I heard Sir Geoffrey Howe , who was Foreign Secretary at the time , speak at the Tory Party Conference in October and heard him repeat the same old stock phrase : Britain will never make a deal over its hostages in Lebanon .
16 Compared Angus Brown in Scarbus and confessed he practiced a charme by uttering some words with a string he held to his mouth which string was to be bound about the hand of the sick person .
17 Compared Angus Brown in Scarbus and confessed he practiced a charme by uttering some words with a string he held to his mouth which string was to be bound about the hand of the sick person .
18 The person in charge of product development decided to carry out all the modifications simultaneously ( although not forced to by LIFESPAN ) , made a senior programmer the user associated with the DCs and instructed him to activate the DCs on the main package and set to work .
19 If his father had n't been so bloody-minded and had let him use the family car , he would no doubt have gone down alone and come back next day , having called on some estate agent in Hadleigh or Sudbury and asked them to sell the house for him , the very one probably that he had gone to in the following year .
20 I personally registered my version of Frombat and used it to create the Transend Menu Program , issued with every Shareware disc , and the Transend Catalogue which only took 3 hours to write .
21 These threats backfired : Eisenhower 's ultimatum offended the members of the CFLN and encouraged them to adopt a solution that favoured de Gaulle .
22 ‘ One day he returned home to Chamalières and said I had a job with Michel and Pierre for £1.50 a month .
23 I mean , if you went to America and told them told a bu , American business man that to invest in this country because we 've got a lot of !
24 In the market , she was told that it was Mrs Browning 's old hero , the French Emperor Louis Napoleon , who had landed at Genoa and pledged himself to help the Italians drive out the Austrians .
25 Joëlle Pesnel , you may recall , gained the trust of the rich heiress Suzanne de Canson and persuaded her to sell a number of works from her collection .
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