Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [pron] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Previously , the Aquino administration had been reluctant to charge Marcos or his wife with a criminal offence , for fear that their presence in the country could provoke an uprising by their supporters .
2 The most obvious is that he felt it himself : to him his fictions were what the Silmarils were to Fëanor or their ships to the Teleri , ‘ the work of our hearts , whose like we shall not make again' .
3 And that finishes on the Friday or whichever day of the week and you start the next day .
4 This perhaps was more obvious lobbying for Scott than his initiative over the Memorials .
5 Thanks also to Lynn Inglis and her team for the many newsletters they produced to such a high standard .
6 Although he vehemently denied being a fascist , merely wishing to purge the Conservatives of all Jewish influence , his unparliamentary statements expressed to the NL and his connection with the Tyler Kent affair in 1940 left considerable room for doubt .
7 Between Donnington and its confluence with the Windrush , near Bourton , the Dickler was originally used to power a number of mills .
8 The Tilford Bach Festival continues to pay homage to J.S. Bach and his contemporaries in a church ideally suited to Baroque music , and a village little changed in appearance since Barbara Gregory and Denys Darlow had their inspired vision 40 years ago .
9 We feature the fascinating story of rotorcraft pioneer George Walker and his part in the amazing Flying Jeep .
10 For example , David Walker and his colleagues at the University of Sheffield approached us because they wanted to take a new look at photosynthesis .
11 ‘ Take Master Corbett and his servant to the kitchen .
12 Throughout the 1970s the big three automobile companies in Detroit and their counterparts in the United Kingdom foundered in the face of competition from Japan , Germany and Scandinavia .
13 Communism found its first means of expression in the various international organizations ( the Internationals ) that were established by Marx and Engels and their followers from the 1860s on .
14 The calm approach of Hilton and his contemporaries to the mystical extremity may not have been simply due to British phlegm but may also have been the legacy of the relaxed and tranquil spirituality of Benedictine monasticism .
15 At the British Museum the accompanying exhibition of drawings by Rembrandt and his School from the museum 's own holdings continues until 2 August .
16 Lecturers voiced their overwhelming support for Mrs Falconer and her sister at a meeting at RGU yesterday .
17 O'Neill also failed to appreciate the extent of Protestant misgivings , preferring instead to see Paisley and his supporters as a small and unrepresentative rabble .
18 I met Pat and her minders at a hotel in Cardiff and told her what we had in mind .
19 The picture which emerges from research , from that of Dorothy Wedderburn in the 1960s to that of Sara Arber and her colleagues in the 1980s , on the relationship between pensioners and younger relatives , friends and neighbours , is not one of simple dependency of the old upon the young , but of an exchange relationship to which both sides contribute which shifts only gradually over time towards the younger participants being the predominant givers ( Cole and Utting , 1962 ; Gilbert et al. , 1989 ; Evandrou et al. , 1986 ) providing a significant volume of services which would otherwise be a costly burden on the state .
20 Also in 1965 the Environmental Science Services Administration ( ESSA ) was instituted in the United States and its concern with the interactions among air , sea and earth and between the upper and lower atmosphere embraces the scope of physical geography , although a physical geographer was not significantly involved in the early stages ( Hare , 1966 ) .
21 But in the third and final part of his expectations , Pip redeems himself by his loyalty towards Magwitch and his attempt to make things up to Joe and Biddy and his pursuit of the truth .
22 Machen 's reminiscences , Far Off Things ( 1922 ) and Things Near and Far ( 1923 ) , movingly recaptured his youth in Monmouthshire and his struggles as a writer during the fin de siècle , and revealed the depth of his dedication to literature .
23 His arrival in Jedda in 1926 coincided with the expulsion of the Hashemites from the Hijaz and their replacement by the strict Wahhabis under King Ibn Saud .
24 The next Thursday , after still more work on pensions , we took the abolition of SERPS and its replacement by a compulsory occupational scheme to Cabinet .
25 There were important trading links between Crete and its neighbours in the neolithic and early bronze age .
26 In 1907 he published The Discoveries in Crete and their Bearing on the History of Ancient Civilization , which was well received by contemporary scholars , including ( Sir ) Arthur Evans [ q.v . ] .
27 The fighting of male red deer , which has been studied by Tim Clutton-Brock and his colleagues on the island of Rhum off the west coast of Scotland , likewise passes through up to three main stages ( Figure 7.2 ) .
28 Four religious parties led by elderly rabbis hold 13 seats in the Knesset , controlling the balance between Labour and its friends on the left and the Likud and its friends on the right .
29 America 's Department of Energy has awarded WMC and its partner in the bid , Oceaneering Technologies , a two-year , $1.2m contract to develop a remote controlled robot to clean radioactive surfaces .
30 Offer a treaty , if he will disclaim Balliol and his pretensions to the Scots throne .
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