Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [adj] [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We hear of the wise fools of Chelm , of clever Khashinke and silly Bashinkel of David and his slingshot , of the fox and the fishes .
2 David Mason , a PPL and former editor of Flight International , set out to discover exactly what it takes to be a fighter pilot in the RAF , and the various routes would-be aces take to achieve that aim .
3 The long arm of Mani Pulite has now reached out and grasped the head of Siemens AG 's Italian subsidiary , arresting Giorgio Scanavacca , president of Siemens Telecomunicazioni and managing director of Siemens SpA , on suspicion of corruption : the arrest was reportedly linked to alleged kickbacks to political parties paid to secure contracts with the state telephone company , ASST .
4 Robert Bruce Stewart , Lord of Kyle and High Steward of Scotland , lived most of his life at Dundonald Castle .
5 It also ends a long wrangle between Skandia and its two largest shareholders , Hafnia and Uni Storebrand of Norway which had been trying to use their combined 43 p.c. stakes to force a three-way merger .
6 On Oct. 8 Foreign Minister Nguyen Manh Cam , in New York for the 47th session of the UN General Assembly [ see p. 39120 ] , held talks with US Defence Secretary Dick Cheney and acting Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger .
7 The relation between high activity of TNF and partial remission of leukemia in the patient reported suggests that TNF could have influenced the transient inhibition of blast cell proliferation .
8 Mr Delors , who harbours ambitions of succeeding President Mitterrand as French head of state , was under fire from all sides in Europe yesterday for his role in the breakdown of the Chicago talks .
9 However , in the event Trumble was posted to Crete as commanding officer of Heraklion , but was captured during the invasion in May .
10 Anyway I suggested to Mrs Newton that this sort of thing did n't sound like the Froggy we all knew and loved because , with great respect , that sort of money would usually have gone only in one direction — to the publicans and bookies .
11 His name was Ali Wali and he was the nephew and adopted son of Miriam Muhammad , the Hangadaala or spiritual head of Bahdu .
12 The fourth round of bilateral Middle East peace talks between Israeli , Jordanian , Syrian , Palestinian and Lebanese delegations opened in Washington on Feb. 24 [ see p. 38740 for third round of bilaterals in Washington and first round of multilaterals in Moscow in January ] .
13 IN FEBRUARY and LCCI Certificate of Centre Registration was presented to the newly registered London School of Public Relations ( LSPR ) in Jakarta by Marketing Manager of the LCCIEB .
14 A spokesman explained ’ Frank and open exchange of mishap information is vital in order to determine the cause of the accident and recommend effective action .
15 She had to get away from Alain , to get back to England and some sort of normality .
16 One day Eva and another member of staff went into town on the weekly run leaving the maintenance man the job of painting the stones .
17 No they er they do things like fund raising and and er er the office and there 's obviously somebody who the posters and design work and Guy Fawkes and that sort of thing .
18 [ For Diestel 's resignation from the German Social Union ( DSU ) in July and subsequent membership of CDU see p. 37661 . ]
19 Brihtheah , the nephew of Archbishop Wulfstan , was abbot of Pershore and later bishop of Worcester , while Bishop Brihtwine of Sherborne was succeeded by his brother , and Brihtwold of Cornwall was the uncle of Lyfing , abbot of Tavistock and subsequently bishop of Crediton , Cornwall and Worcester .
20 [ J. Van Voris , Constance de Markievicz : In the Cause of Ireland , 1967 ; Diana Norman , Terrible Beauty : a Life of Constance Markievicz 1868–1927 , 1987 ; Markievicz archives , National Library of Ireland and National Museum of Ireland . ]
21 Presbyterian minister , the Rev Frank Russell , said : ‘ We are part of Northern Ireland and this kind of thing was almost bound to happen here sooner or later .
22 UN Assistant Secretary-General Giandomenico Picco and German Minister of State at the Chancellery Bernd Schmidbauer had also been involved in negotiations for the releases .
23 The Israeli Cabinet on Oct. 20 approved participation in the conference by 16 votes to three ( Housing Minister Ariel Sharon within the Likud party , Rehavam Ze'evi of Moledet and Yuval Ne'eman of Tehiya ) , with one abstention .
24 Despite his past as an agent of Moscow and former head of Afghanistan 's secret police , Mr Najibullah was seen latterly by the West as the only man with the toughness and guile necessary to preserve the country 's unity .
25 Upstairs , the loft houses a museum of the Manor and surrounding village of Sulgrave .
26 Knowles , who was then Curate of St. Mary 's in Stockport , had the support of the Rector , Mayor , and Aldermen of the Town , but Jackson was recommended by nineteen other clergymen , " other gentlemen who have had university education … among whom is Mr. Brooke to whom both candidates were scholars [ at Manchester Grammar School ] " , and the Dean and Senior Fellow of Brasenose College , Oxford ( whence Knowles also had graduated ) .
27 Most consistently imposing were the sombre King Philip of Gwynne Howell and Grand Inquisitor of Richard Van Allan .
28 , George ( 1886–1936 ) , founder of the poppy factory , was born 7 September 1886 at the rectory in Overton , Flintshire , the youngest in the family of four sons ( the eldest of whom died in infancy ) and one daughter of George John Howson , rector of Overton and later archdeacon of Liverpool , and his wife Ethel , daughter of Thomas Dealtry , vicar of Maidstone .
29 On March 3 the Hamas-backed Islamic bloc won 10 out of 11 seats in elections to the Ramallah and al-Bira Chamber of Commerce .
30 By contrast , in elections to the Ramallah and al-Bira chamber of commerce in March , Hamas had won 10 out of 11 seats [ see p. 38836 ] .
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