Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [noun] be at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some 300 watercolours by artists such as Cotman , Cox , Turner , Gainsborough , Girtin and Constable are at the Royal Academy until 11 April with the aim of providing a new overview of the medium in Britain during the years of its highest achievement .
2 Manager Alan Murray , assistant manager Eddie Kyle and McAndrew were at the Northern League club at the same time .
3 Certain nineteenth-century paintings — Manet 's On the Beach at Boulogne and Degas 's At the Seaside — obliquely reflect the colonization of Hawaii .
4 For centuries cities such as Damascus and Aleppo were at the hub of the regional economy .
5 The bulk of the money raised and spent in non-metropolitan England and Wales is at the county level .
6 She thought she would also hint to Miss Potts that Alicia and Daryl were at the bottom of things , but she did n't get very far with this , she had to go and see Miss Potts about some returned homework .
7 Sheila and Mona were at the convent secondary school , Michael was finishing national school .
8 Poolewe and Dundonnell are at the ends of a classic walk of nearly thirty miles crossing this wilderness and , because of the rigours of the journey , calling for careful advance planning .
9 Black incumbents of high prestige positions fall into two main divisions : Stevie Wonder and the late Bob Marley are in the van of the one ; Muhammad Ali and Pelé are at the fore of the other .
10 Shire Counties fared just as strangely , with both Cumbria and Northumberland being at the extreme low end of the ranking in change among these authorities for the first two years and yet requiring one of the largest increases in the third .
11 There are currently only three national clearinghouses operational — the USER clearinghouse in Australia , the LOEX clearinghouse in the USA , and the clearinghouse operated by the British Library Information Officer for User Education in the UK but others are at the planning stage .
12 It is clear that Sharon and Tracy were at the cutting edge of fashion even then they were still wearing 1976 's Bay City Rollers outfits .
13 West Ham take their chances , Oxford do n't , that 's why they 're at the bottom and teams like Sheffield and West Ham and Oldham are at the top .
14 Food Producers from Britain and France is at the Photographers ' Gallery , London WC2 from August 21 to September 19 .
15 He qualifies this using two examples of Caesar 's ‘ humanness ’ , the first of a day when it was cold and windy , an the river Tiber was rough and in flood , and Caesar and Cassius were at the shore , Caesar asked Cassius to swim across with him as a sort of dare , almost , and so Cassius did , followed by Caesar , and they battled across .
16 Silas and Matt were at the table before her .
17 According to the latest figures , Australia , New Zealand and Sweden are at the moment in recession .
18 Ozone levels over much of North America and Europe were at the lowest levels on record in February , at between 9 and 20 per cent below normal , following a winter of persistently depleted levels .
19 EMMA and RICHARD are at the breakfast table .
20 The vines found on the south and south-east-facing slopes above Tauxières and Mutry are at an altitude of between 140 and 180 metres .
21 But both Raquel and Freddie were at a celebration here last year to bless the marriage .
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