Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [noun] [adv] [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 No final decision was taken on which countries would contribute to the Arab force , but Egypt , Syria and Morocco subsequently announced that they would provide troops .
2 Agnew , Peet and others also argued that southern State and local governments are more favourably inclined towards capitalist interests , and provide a facilitating ‘ business climate ’ .
3 Rao and colleagues blithely observed that males were sprayed shirtless : females wore light garments and all remained in the cotton fields for 60 minutes after each dousing .
4 Inside and on the dance floor , Pete and Diane suddenly found that people were drifting back and the music was getting loud again .
5 In their study of civic culture in 1959 , Almond and Verba repeatedly noted that the better educated in all five countries that they studied were more likely to participate in the political process , and to believe that they could do something to change laws which they felt were unjust through the conventional channels of political participation .
6 Both Florey and Chain later emphasized that their study was directed to a better understanding of antibiotic action and not specifically to finding a therapeutic substance .
7 Whether Churchill and Beveridge really believed that the exchanges could successfully redirect young people away from ‘ uneducative ’ labour is doubtful .
8 Coleridge and Southey optimistically calculated that two or three hours daily labour would be all that was required , and that the remaining time could be given up to ‘ study , liberal discussions , and the education of their children ’ .
9 Butler and Glass therefore concluded that the CNV asymmetry relates to differential hemispheric activation rather than to handedness .
10 However , Mead , Cooley and Thomas also recognised that socialisation is not a simple one-way process , and that potential for change is also generated within the individual .
11 Marx and Engels repeatedly emphasized that by ‘ dialectically ’ confronting what was contradictory in the main intellectual currents of their day , and by forcibly demonstrating the class biases which produced intellectual contradictions , their own distinctive theories could be developed and enhanced .
12 Eisenhower and Dulles both believed that since no Iranian Army could ever resist an actual Soviet invasion , the Shah should not build up a vast Army but should depend on US guarantees .
13 Drudy and Drudy also found that 22 per cent of their survey group wished to leave the area , although they did not seek to establish the motives , while Dench found a willingness to leave mid-Devon if career prospects were frustrated .
14 Initially , the area improved under township schemes in Lewis and Harris greatly exceeded that improved individually , but in the last few years there have been hardly any new township schemes .
15 Dawson and Smith also recognized that some of the veined and pervasively metasomatized peridotite xenoliths from the Bultfontein Floors mine dumps at Kimberley have replacement mineral compositions that are broadly similar to those of the MARID suite ( although the relationship between the two is not simple and some important chemical distinctions remain , possibly reflecting different degrees of interaction between veins and peridotite wall rocks ) .
16 However , Furness and District reluctantly concluded that the time had come for the introduction of an annual limit ; whilst Cardiff and District suggested that the question of re-insuring the compensation fund liability be reconsidered .
17 Notices at Aberystwyth and Machynlleth also announced that there would also be a special train from Machynlleth to Shrewsbury at 10.45 at a cost of £15 .
18 But Bevan and Radclyffe quickly proved that ‘ Laundrette ’ was not a one hit wonder by going on to produce ‘ WISH YOU WERE HERE ’ , which made Emily Lloyd a Hollywood hot property , followed by the powerful and moving ‘ A WORLD APART ’ .
19 Fama and MacBeth also found that the intercept ( ) was significantly different from the risk free rate for the entire period and for the first of the sub-periods , which tends to lend support to the zero-beta version of the CAPM rather than the risk-free rate variant .
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