Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sir David also rejected pressure from the UDHK for representation on the Executive Committee ( Exco ) , Hong Kong 's chief policy-making body .
2 The ANC also received encouragement from the Congress of South African Trade Unions ( COSATU ) which announced on April 29 that it would consider staging a general strike if the government failed to take effective steps to halt the violence .
3 Ernest regularly had advice from the emigrants'society and this he would read out aloud .
4 Dr Carey also faces opposition from the Vatican , which said the decision was ‘ a grave obstacle ’ to reconciliation between the churches .
5 Although this was true for some respondents , most policemen and women in Easton periodically sought reassurance from the researcher about the purpose of the research , what was being written down about them , who would have access to the material , what the researchers ' politics , religion , allegiances , and so on were .
6 But Mrs Goreng then got help from an unexpected quarter ; although maybe not totally surprising .
7 Thinking this would be successful , Dick then declared independence from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons .
8 In passing the bill Bourassa successfully resisted pressure from the separatist Parti Quebecois for an immediate referendum to capitalize on the post-Meech Lake disenchantment felt by many francophone Quebeckers towards anglophone Canada .
9 All the time he and Rufus were living it up , driving about the countryside in Goblander , driving to London once to buy marijuana from the dealer Rufus knew in Notting Hill , drinking and smoking ( as he had put it ) Hilbert 's furniture away , all that time Vivien and her boyfriend Shiva were making arrangements to join Ecalpemos .
10 AS CLOUDS gather over the UK economy , glass maker Pilkington yesterday drew comfort from the international spread of its windows and windscreens to contact lenses operations .
11 AS CLOUDS gather over the UK economy , glass maker Pilkington yesterday drew comfort from the international spread of its windows and windscreens to contact lenses operations .
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