Example sentences of "[noun prp] [pron] [verb] her [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 From there she returned to London to do war work , also accepting commissions as a free-lance illustrator on the basis of which she approached William Johnstone who invited her on to his staff .
2 Ring the flat , will you , Myra , and ask … no , tell Dana we expect her here in an hour for a rehearsal ?
3 A nest , of course , that had a huge , probably wholly malevolent , black-browed spider at the centre of it , King Spider himself warming her up for his dinner she supposed .
4 ‘ Oh — do n't tell me , I do n't want to know , ’ Emmie cried passionately , flinging herself down on top of William who suffered her patiently for a moment and then got up , shook himself and moved away .
5 It was Robert who took her in to dinner .
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