Example sentences of "[noun prp] [unc] [noun sg] [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Joël Robuchon 's herb sauce for ribs of beef requires two tablespoons to half a pint of chicken bouillon .
2 John Robbie slams SA 's management selection for Europe
3 Very special for me too is the recording of Brahms 's Violin Sonatas for Hyperion with Krysia Osostowicz and Susan Tomes . ’
4 At the New Contemporaries Exhibition in 1961 he and his wife bought Hockney 's Doll Boy for £40 and invited him round to tea — ‘ black hair , crew-cut , frightfully shy , I arrived late .
5 If you enviously yearn for a PC sound card but ca n't afford one , Guildsoft 's Icon Hear-It for Windows might be the answer .
6 The play began its provincial tour in Cambridge ( it went all over the country , but when it came to including the play in Ken 's career notes for Who 's Who in the Theatre , he only mentions Cambridge , as though referring to the West End theatre of that name ) .
7 OSF 's business manager for DCE , Jon Gossels , says X/Open 's endorsement of DCE — see front page — ‘ demonstrates the industry-wide support for DCE as a de facto standard . ’
8 Station monitors probably emerge more readily in a rural catchment area — Womens ' Institute support for example — than in the vast amorphous southern Black Country .
9 The benefits of Eastern investment can be seen in February 's unemployment figures for Sunderland they have dropped by 314 on the previous month , thanks in the main to the ‘ Nissan effect ’ and the start of a huge recruitment campaign for 1,500 workers .
10 The problem with pen computing , as Nick Eades , IBM 's brand manager for portables , is the first to point out , is that the handwriting recognition software needs to be a whole lot better before it can really appeal to the masses .
11 IBM 's PROF system for office workers is supposed to be for those with little or no experience of computers .
12 According to Petrobras the state-owned oil company and largest corporation in the southern hemisphere some $8.7 billion in dollars and cruzeiros have been invested in the Campos Basin alone and there are signs that the state may be taking a similar line in developing Brazil 's gas resources for energy .
13 Malcolm Thomas , the NFU 's deputy director for Wales , points out that revised rules of eligibility will apply under the Suckler Cow Premium Scheme from January 1 .
14 The most influential example of a political lead in curriculum policy is Nyerere 's pamphlet Education for Self-Reliance published in 1967 , a direct follow up of Tanu 's Arusha Declaration .
15 When in 1887 Florence Lees persuaded Queen Victoria to devote most of the women 's jubilee offering to establishing district nursing throughout England , the Cravens , together with Florence Nightingale and William Rathbone , were instrumental in ensuring that the Metropolitan and National Nursing Association became the model for Queen Victoria 's Jubilee Institute for Nurses .
16 Middlesbrough are away to Birkenhead on Saturday in the ASA 's Plate competition for teams knocked out of the national club senior championship .
17 Middlesbrough were well beaten 22–7 at Birkenhead in the ASA 's Plate competition for teams knocked out of the ASA 's club senior championship .
18 to Acton 's Co-op Hall for Sunday School .
19 PC Mark Whitehouse , on patrol with WPC Susan Larkin , had heard PC Kelly 's radio call for help .
20 MacDonald 's rescue plan for Norton involves bringing in new sources of finance , selling the German FUS subsidiary ( he says he 'll get £100,000 — Norton paid £8 million ) , and designing ( personally ) a new , lower-cost bike to replace the F1 .
21 On Marryat 's The Pacha of Many Tales ( 1835 ) you will find a splendid full-rigged ship of the line stamped in blind on dark blue ; Septimus Piesse 's holiday book for children Chymical , Natural , and Physical Magic ( 1865 ) has a white cloth cover printed in six colours and gold ; an 1887 edition of The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne has , in bright gilt on blue cloth , an owl , two bats , a snail , two mice , a swallow , a spider in its web and a variety of foliage , including ivy , fields grasses and cornstalks .
22 The first person to dent my euphoria had been Brian Moore , ITV 's match commentator for West Ham versus some town up North , later that same afternoon .
24 A report from the Marine Pollution Control Unit however , says that the disaster exposed flaws in the UK 's emergency plans for tanker accidents .
25 European business development director Peter Field claims Kalamazoo is the UK 's market leader for motor dealer systems , with about 2,000 customers and a market share of more than 50% .
26 Newspapers and Short Activities are welcome , user-friendly additions to OUP 's Resource Books for Teachers series , underlining what a practical series this is .
27 A new division — southern Europe — will be headed by Philippe Bichon , SCO 's marketing director for France , will manage the Spanish , Portuguese and Italian markets , as well as France .
28 David Kerslake 's opening goal for Town was a classic .
29 The organization has called for a review of Hong Kong 's detention policy for asylum-seekers .
30 Treats in store include Elsie Tanner 's GI wedding for Coronation Street fans , On The Buses , The Persuaders , The Frost Programme and the pilot episode of Upstairs , Downstairs .
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