Example sentences of "[noun prp] [modal v] have [vb pp] [to-vb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Judging from all the chatter , everyone in UCD must have got to know each other pretty quickly , Benny thought as she went up the steps the following morning .
2 ‘ The press made a lot of people afraid of the movie , ’ says Dickerson , ‘ and Paramount might have tried to counteract that . ’
3 By releasing five senior officers imprisoned for crimes committed while they ran the country , from 1976 to 1983 , President Carlos Menem may have hoped to eliminate much of the discontent that lay behind three rebellions against his predecessor , Raul Alfonsin , and one against himself on December 3rd .
4 The Perkins may have come to regret this decision because , after being eclipsed at the exhibition , the demand for their mauve dye decreased rapidly , and they found that the commercial potential for magenta dye had been grossly underestimated .
5 In order to be accorded the title of Messiah , and acclaimed as such by the populace , Jesus would have had to possess some legitimate claim .
6 Carmen would have loved to know that .
7 And there , as they say , the matter rested , for there was now nothing further we could do ; and Meehan might have had to serve many more years in prison had not a further and quite unexpected twist come to this most tangled of cases .
8 Mrs Nowak and Taczek must have got to know most of the truth and stuck by the cover story .
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