Example sentences of "[noun prp] [modal v] [verb] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If the two men are to win through , Taylor must take England to the World Cup Finals next year and Major must show his determination to lead the Tories to the next election .
2 Yamaha should take solace from the thought that Senna was bitching about the power of the new V12 Honda , later saying he had been misquoted and that there was ‘ nothing fundamentally wrong ’ with the new Honda .
3 There was an intake of angry breath from Lucenzo , and the boatman seemed filled with remorse , but he was bundled off the boat before Meredith could make sense of the man 's mistake .
4 On Nov. 29 it was announced that Gorbachev would visit Moldavia on the following day to address the republic 's Supreme Soviet , but the visit was cancelled at the last minute , reportedly because Dnestr Russian and Gagauz deputies had announced that they would boycott the session .
5 The President of the World Bank , Barber J. Conable , and the Mexican Finance Minister , Pedro Aspe , on Jan. 24 , 1990 , signed agreements under which Mexico would receive loans from the World Bank worth US$450 million .
6 Regulations adopted by the Council and Commission in Brussels would form part of the law of the United Kingdom , without any intervention or endorsement by Parliament .
7 The resulting redrawing of constituency boundaries meant that French-speakers living in the suburbs of Brussels would become part of the Flemish province of Brabant surrounding Brussels and would thus lose the right to vote French speakers into the regional parliaments .
8 An MNP will require cover under the Solicitors ' Indemnity Fund in respect of its offices in England and Wales .
9 Richard Cohen at Hodder has bought a life of Hugh Gaitskill , by Brian Brivati , who has a doctorate from London University and who came to Hodder on a recommendation from Peter Hennessy ( author of Never Again ) ; Brivati will make use of the last of Gaitskill 's papers to be made available , released this month .
10 Rush , who also played in the thrilling victory over Auxerre , is hoping a packed Anfield will roar Liverpool into the European Cup Winners ' Cup quarter-finals .
11 Progress to soften the heartless pay-as-you're-cured system in the States will give power to the elbow of those fighting to stop our National Health Service drifting in the same direction .
12 Arsenal will go top of the League for the first time since May '91 today if they beat Coventry and Blackburn slip up against Spurs at Ewood Park .
13 At Santa Maria del Popolo the Soprintendenza will begin work on the Mellini Chapel , which contains busts by Algardi , and the frescoes in Santa Maria della Vittoria will also be restored .
14 In a match made in heaven , if not the sponsors ' dreams , Faldo will play Ballesteros in the semi-finals today and Rafferty will meet Ian Woosnam .
15 Later this year , OFWAT will publish guidelines to the water companies on what it considers to be the best methods .
16 I expect Dr Roberts will put Sandra on the pill . ’
17 PAT EDDERY can kiss goodbye to the jockeys ' championship after he losing his appeal yesterday against the careless riding ban imposed last week by the York stewards .
18 If Dennis can maintain parity in the midst of such vested interest , then the credit really should rest with McLaren International rather than the drivers , neither of whom has had an entirely blemish-free season .
19 Former pupils and staff who wish to make a donation towards a gift for Mr Tovey should send contributions to The Rectory , Inveresk Road , Tilston , before July 20 .
20 The appeal judges ruled that the dogs should remain where they were , but that the Sharmas should receive compensation from the new owners of about £290 each .
21 The NHS could purchase services from the private sector in order to clear waiting lists for particular ailments or to obtain access to specialised equipment possibly not available in NHS hospitals .
22 All except Lord Diplock ( and in this he positively disagreed ) held that the GLC had to have regard , when making a grant , to the LTE 's obligation to run its operations so far as practicable , on a break-even basis ; so the GLC could make grants to the LTE only to make good unavoidable losses and not to further a particular social policy .
23 Through the open door Elisabeth could hear voices in the lane as she and Mother Jacobsen ambled gently over uncontentious topics .
24 As an alternative to payment under Deed of Covenant , Tradeco could make payments under the Gift Aid provisions of the Taxes Act .
25 Thomson could control words with the same fastidiousness as notes .
26 Mountbatten used to drink Guinness in the bar down there , and he was well liked by the locals .
27 His manure was not sold ( as Red Rum 's had been ) , nor had his exploits been celebrated in song ( as was the case with Arkle , Red Rum and Dawn Run ) , but his fans were not sold short : there were books ( three ) , video tapes ( two ) , countless portraits , a white rocking horse called ‘ Dessie ’ , sculptures and figurines ( some of which actually bore a resemblance to the horse ) , an official fan club , and even a recorded phone message on which Desert Orchid 's part-owner Richard Burridge would update worshippers on the well-being of their idol .
28 Southern and eastern Scotland and much of Northern Ireland will start dry , but rain over northwest Scotland will spread southeast during the day .
29 Mr Powell will relinquish directorship of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art ( LACMA ) to assume the new post on 1 September .
30 Under the terms of the development agreement , IBM will use ObjectStore as the object storage mechanism for AD/Cycle — IBM 's application development environment — Information Warehouse and future workflow management and compiler tools .
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