Example sentences of "[noun prp] [be] that [pers pn] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If I left a table in Fif 's that I 'd just acquired , I might attract attention .
2 One claim guaranteed to draw fire from Kylie is that she missed out on a childhood because of showbiz .
3 The importance of the recent discovery of this document recording the conclusions of the conferences of 26–27 May is that it fills in what have hitherto been two of the most significant gaps in the whole story .
4 The problem in West Yorkshire is that it costs more there to put a police man on the beat , and the authority spends more per head of the population .
5 The extraordinary thing about Greene is that he wrote over decades and changed so fluently from a pre-war to a post-war writer .
6 Well , we , we as you correctly say er with the whole industry had a , had a difficult August , I think the good news for Rover is that we fell less in volume terms than most of the competition , and indeed we marginally increased our market share .
7 Indeed , the only good thing about their confrontation against Sukova and Novotna is that it took just 50 minutes to complete , with the established Czech combination sweeping to a 6-2 , 6-2 victory and a place in the semi-finals against the United States .
8 If the Department of the Environment think that there are issues of more than local importance they will call it in but their preliminary view expressed to the local MP Mr is that they do n't believe that 's the case .
9 One consequence of augmenting the focus registers as in SPAR is that it becomes more common for candidates to be separated only by a weak focusing preference .
10 Irene had three much older spinster sisters who adored her , and her one consolation when she was discharged from the Waaf was that she had somewhere to go and three loving sisters to look after her .
11 The important thing for me to emphasize to you er Trevor is that we do n't make appointments to go and see people to talk about advertising .
12 Where I differ from Bourdieu is that I do not think that this important distinction leads inevitably to absolute aesthetic relativism .
13 One of the objections frequently made about CAI is that it does not permit student-student interaction .
14 The only redeeming feature of a goalless , worthless event at Stamford Bridge was that it did not require a grant .
15 Miliband 's response to Poulantzas was that he goes too far in dismissing the composition of the state elite as of no account , and in suggesting that structural constraints are so compelling ‘ as to turn those who run the state into the merest functionaries and executants of policies imposed upon them by ‘ the system ’ ( Miliband 1983 , p. 32 ) .
16 It 's a hell-raiser with 24-carat cuff-links and rounded vowels , it 's a freshly squeezed orange juice with a large shot of vodka — and like a Mickey Finn , the beauty of the Bentley is that you do n't know quite what you 've let yourself in for .
17 The second very useful contribution from Campbell is that he saw how Christ identified with our suffering .
18 ‘ My first impression of Mellor was that he did n't need to put his hand in his pocket .
19 It was as though the recent remarks of John Major had been anticipated as the exhibition was already running when he expressed concern over the future of manufacturing industry in the U.K. One reference to the exhibition by Campbell Christie , General Secretary , Scottish T.U.C. stated ‘ The problem we face in Britain is that we do n't manufacture enough of what we consume .
20 For many years the official view of the position of the police in liberal democracies like Britain was that it acted merely as an administrative agent to enforce the law .
21 The first impression that Talbot had of Wotherspoon was that he did n't look a bit like a professor or an archaeologist but then , he had to admit , he had no idea what a professor or archaeologist was supposed to look like .
22 The error in the phenomenological approach of Berger is that it does not allow him to see that one of the social processes which affects the success of some theories , in terms of their historical effects , is precisely the process of rational discussion and truth-testing which occurs in science .
23 A second major defect of UDG was that it did not make much difference to cities as a whole .
24 The main complaint that I have about d'Compress is that it does not use standard DOS key and mouse commands .
25 doing it Roger is that we sit here and we say to our clients , ah but you really ought to be coming to us because we 're railway experts .
26 Taken to its logical conclusion ( and the advantage of Baudrillard is that he does just this ) , this view entails a denial of all signification .
27 It was known at Cadogan 's that she had once fallen from a horse while out hunting and had broken her collarbone , but continued to follow the hounds for the rest of the day until she collapsed as they ran the fox to earth .
28 We should , however , recollect that one of the reasons for the strength of the City of London is that it has consistently followed a very open policy , which is not always followed on the continent and elsewhere .
29 A major weakness of the MRC-NCS is that it does not engage clients and carers sufficiently in the assessment of need .
30 Indeed , one of the attractions of Madeira is that it does not outwardly appear to be specifically geared to tourism .
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