Example sentences of "[noun prp] [be] [adv prt] [prep] [adj] year " in BNC.

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1 Robinson was in for ten years for armed robbery , while his companion was half-way through a twelve-year stretch for a similar crime .
2 The chief executive , Partick Dromgoole , said sales in September were down on last year .
3 ‘ Well , ’ they continue , ‘ we 've been reading your columns and we 're just a little bit worried that you might mean it when you say that the European Community is a fraudulent delusion ; the German economy is kaput ; the French are morally bankrupt ; racism is becoming endemic ; America 's had it ; Britain 's in for five years of total chaos and the middle-classes will soon be taking to the streets .
4 An extreme example is bracken , Pteridium aquilinum ; Oinonen ( 1967 ) showed that individual clones in Finland were up to 1440 years old and one old clone extended over an area of 474 × 292 m .
5 And Ken Russell is back after 22 years with another composer-movie , The Mystery of Dr Martinu ( 9.40pm on 16 May ) .
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