Example sentences of "[noun prp] [be] [adj] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Now Hewlett Packard , IBM , and DEC are all back on the other side of the fence .
2 Hereabouts the native bedrock of much of Sutherland is evident everywhere on the hillsides and bordering the roads , appearing as outcrops and in patches , pale in colour .
3 Pam Wright was three over at the turn but ended up with a level par 73 and a four-round total of 293. 930319
4 And Lord Hodson was concerned primarily with the substantive merits and demerits of the Bill , not with its legal technicalities .
5 We 've always believed that the market has to be regulated ; that 's what Disraeli and Peel were all about in the nineteenth century , ’ he said .
6 The offshore industry has tended towards this cloning form , although Press on Tyneside is close up to the boundary with locationally concentrated structure .
7 Now the question is whether enough members of the Knesset are keen enough on the peace talks to support a government led by Mr Peres .
8 There was a strong babble of concerned voices , a thicket of hands reaching out to steady him , but Li Shai Tung was conscious only of the way his skin stung as if it were stretched too tightly over his bones — how his eyes smarted as if hot water had been thrown into them .
9 A second congress of the All-Russian Peasants ' Union in November was satisfied neither by the Manifesto nor by the announcement that redemption dues were to be phased out altogether , and peasant disturbances continued through 1906 and into 1907 .
10 Coleridge 's first meeting with Tom Poole lasted less than a day , but in that short time Coleridge was expansive both on the subject of himself and his plans for the future .
11 Sankoff and Laberge are interested principally in the alternation between on on the one hand , and tu/vous on the other in their function as indefinite personal pronouns ( cf. 7.4.3 ) .
12 After the purges four years later , Clementis was air-brushed out of the photo .
13 In 1971 the UK was second only to the USA as a home base for multinational companies ; overseas production by British-based multinationals as a proportion of domestic output in 1977 was , at 40 per cent , higher than the corresponding figure for any other national economy except Switzerland ; and in 1971 nearly 20 per cent of UK output was produced by overseas based companies .
14 Not all economists accept that investment in the UK was sluggish even in the 1970s .
15 On Monday morning Shelley was early down at the medical centre .
16 ‘ The Mysteries of Greathaven are famed even in the far distant streets of my own home town … ’
17 Marx is concerned here with the dynamic implication of the contradiction of combining two systems .
18 The ‘ Moonlight ’ Sonata is impetuous even in the opening sostenuto first movement , and his Carnaval is flighty , skittish and full of character .
19 Already by the mid 1970s it appeared , however , that neutralisation under Great Power guarantees as elaborated by Malaysia was acceptable neither to the majority of Southeast Asian states nor to the external powers that count .
20 Bangor 's new coach Duncan Dysart was happy enough with the first sight of his charges last week and he will have a good opportunity to identify some grey areas when they make the trip to a high-scoring City of Derry tomorrow .
21 Mike was married twice by the time he was 20 : first to Jenny , and then to a large mortgage .
22 Looking down the crooked corridor , with its uneven walls , Sara was conscious again of the age of the house and wondered at herself .
23 Quick-witted , volcanic , with a profound knowledge of painting , Rivera was unusual even in the exotic milieu of Montparnasse and Modigliani badly wanted to portray him .
24 Just as the idea of a voyage was more satisfying than the trip itself for the poet Baudelaire , the Romantic tradition in France is strong enough for the idea of a well thought-out plan to be more important than its execution .
25 Sandy McGlashan was wild now with the sound of his own music .
26 Bailey was 5–2 down in the first set tie breaker but won five successive points to draw first blood and then broke his rival in both the third and fifth games of the second set for an astounding victory .
27 Middlesbrough were stronger defensively in the second half as , surprisingly , Swindon tried to upset them with a long-ball game rather , than with their usual slick passing style .
28 Garth McGimpsey and Raymond Burns were both out on the Valley today after overnight 75s .
29 Knottingley were 17–4 ahead at the interval with tries by Chris Carlyle and Dennis Stead .
30 Knottingley were 17–4 ahead at the interval with tries by Chris Carlyle and Dennis Stead .
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