Example sentences of "[noun prp] [prep] [art] [noun] [Wh adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The presentation of Romania as a country where the extreme right flourishes unhindered , as well as other such charges , is deeply unpatriotic . ’
2 It also provides a glimpse of Flanders as a place where a substantial number of fighters could be expensively equipped and then encouraged to leave the county for long periods .
3 v. Kantner in a case where the plaintiff produced evidence , controverted by the defendant , that a contract existed .
4 ‘ Apart from Minch he 's the only living thing can quieten Slorne in the autumn when the migrations start .
5 The first Presbyterian services in Portadown were held in the basement of a building where the Ulster Bank now stands and then in 1822 the first church was built in Edenderry on the site where the lecture hall now stands .
6 Example 44 is from ‘ Vissi d'arte ’ in Tosca at a point where the orchestra plays the melody ( small notes ) while the singer weaves a web of narration in different ways — reciting , joining the orchestral melody , forming a decorative counter-melody , etc. — all within the space of a few bars : There is great skill here , yet nobody seems to have recognized it for what it really is — the solution for preserving melodic and formal unity while at the same time using words with freedom and flexibility .
7 Mason dragged Miss McDermott into the kitchen where a roll of towels was burning .
8 It seemed that she was not impressed for , having completed her examination , she turned ostentatiously away to follow Anthony to the table where the wine stood .
9 Dr Mann took up the post of organist and choir master at Beverley at a time when the music at the Minster was at a fairly low ebb .
10 But even if we discover that vineyards vanished from south east England at a time when the climate was getting colder , we still do not know for sure why they disappeared .
11 The incident has angered senior party officials who are fighting to retain Conservative-held seats in Scotland at a time when the Scottish Nationalist bandwagon is gathering pace .
12 D. At the time when the population started to increase rapidly , most people lived in small villages and worked on farms .
13 Both areas , breaking and mending , engrossed Dostoevsky from the time when the shared convict existence of prison snapped him like a dry biscuit yet also made him new , so that in the closing words of The House of the Dead , with the knocking off of his fetters , the narrator greets ‘ a new life , voskresenie from the dead ’ .
14 These theories can account in broad terms for the compositional differences between the Earth and the Moon , but only by making a number of fairly detailed assumptions about the conditions in the PFM in the region where the Earth and the Moon formed .
15 Seb had grown used to gipsy ways by now — especially Boz 's ways — but Dolly muttered angrily about ‘ gipsy ingratitude ’ and returned with Carrie to the room where the badly injured girl lay .
16 Northumberland had their outside-half Ian Chandler to thank for the late drop goal that led to a 13–11 victory over Alberta on a day when a freak Arctic airflow brought snow and near freezing temperatures to Calgary .
17 The Reformation came to Slovenia and Croatia at a time when the Turkish threat was at its height .
18 Beyond Inverewe is Poolewe , a picturesque village overlooking the head of Loch Ewe at the point where the rushing River Ewe enters the loch .
19 Shells have exploded in the Bosnian capital Sarajevo near the building where the Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd was meeting the Bosnian president .
20 What is puzzling is why the United States should hand such a diplomatic prize to China at a time when the original strategic basis of the friendship , mutual hostility to the Soviet Union , seems more tenuous than ever .
21 The wader lived up to his name by conveying the mayor on his back as he waded into the Swale at the point where the boundary runs down the middle of the river .
22 The effect of s80 is that if , for instance , the settlor creates a trust for himself for life and then his son for life or absolutely that in order for the trust to be an excluded property trust the settlor must not be domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time when the settlement is created and nor must he be domiciled in the United Kingdom ( and this would include deemed domiciled in the United Kingdom ) at the time of his death .
23 As Jesus insisted in Luke 24:47 , it was all to begin in Jerusalem : hence the emphasis on Jerusalem as the place where the Pentecostal gift arrived .
24 He parted some ferns so we could look back across the Paddock to the changing-rooms where the next toy soldier had just launched himself towards the Orchard .
25 The post-war frontier changes have brought the Alpine valley of the Isonzo ( Soča ) within the confines of Yugoslavia , and the present frontier follows the ridges to the west of the Soča to the point where the river enters Italy at Gorizia ( Gorica ) and flows across the Friulian plain to enter the Adriatic near Monfalcone ( Tržič ) .
26 My ‘ Jottings ’ will describe Italy as a place where the drama in the streets is never ending .
27 " the Under Roome of the howse wherein the Schoole ys nowe kepte to and for the use of the Schoole to be kepte theere for ever .
28 It had passed to Evelina in the days when a Burne-Jones was not worth twopence and goodness knew what Evelina had done with it .
29 The £48,000 order for coats and jackets has been won by Orde at a time when the Japanese economy is in deep recession , and competition from other countries is intense .
30 Economic conditions in Europe at the time when the decision is taken will be crucial in determining whether that will be achievable .
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