Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adj] it be [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 On March 12 it was announced that Egypt and Iran had each decided to set up an " interests office " in the other 's capital " as a first step towards the restoration of full diplomatic relations between the two countries " , according to Arab Republic of Egypt radio .
2 On March 12 it was announced that legislative elections postponed in December would be held on May 24 ; it was later announced that the number of representatives in the National Assembly would be increased from 77 to 107 .
3 On March 2 it was announced that a new Committee for Employment and Emigration would assist the Foreign Ministry in exploring openings for Albanians to work abroad .
4 In Island Export and Finance Ltd v Umunna [ 1986 ] BCLC 460 it was held that a director 's fiduciary duty did not necessarily come to an end when he ceased to be a director .
5 On the evening of Jan. 12 it was announced that the existing six-member High Security Council had that day , by virtue of a mandate to preserve continuity given it by the Constitutional Council , resolved " that it is impossible to continue the election process until the necessary conditions are fulfilled for the normal functioning of institutions " .
6 On Jan. 22 it was reported that the government had ordered a tightening of security at the prison holding Pablo Escobar amid reports that he had been able to continue running his drug cartel through visitors .
7 On Jan. 30 it was reported that Hernando de Soto , a key adviser and personal representative of Fujimori , had resigned , alleging that officials in coca-growing areas were co-operating with drug traffickers .
8 He had returned to Poland on Jan. 4 to answer the charge , and on Jan. 7 it was reported that a lesser charge was being substituted because prosecutors had ruled that Tyminski had attacked Mazowiecki as a rival candidate rather than as the holder of state office .
9 It will be seen that whereas in Reg. v. Derby Crown Court , Ex parte Brooks , 80 Cr.App.R. 164 it was stated that any delay must be unjustifiable before relief by way of stay will be granted in Reg. v. Bow Street Stipendiary Magistrate , Ex parte Director of Public Prosecutons , 91 Cr.App.R. 283 , mere delay giving rise to prejudice and unfairness , it is said , may by itself amount to an abuse of the process of the court .
10 On Jan. 21 it was confirmed that a peace formula was also being sought within the framework of the Non-aligned Movement .
11 However , following a meeting of the NSF Council on Jan. 17 it was announced that plans for both referendums , scheduled for Jan. 28 , had been cancelled .
12 Both Croatia and Slovenia on Jan. 15 refused to comply with the State Presidency 's order , and on Jan. 17 it was reported that republican leaders had met to co-ordinate resistance to a feared military crackdown .
13 On Jan. 6 it was announced that a border crossing point was to be created between Nakhichevan and Turkey .
14 On Jan. 25 it was reported that Iraq 's ambassador in the UK , Azmi Shafiq al-Salahi , had been recalled .
15 On Jan. 16 it was reported that an alliance had been struck between the PLO and Amal at the main flashpoint of the fighting at Iqlim al-Tofah .
16 On Jan. 14 it was announced that the government had reached agreement with the United States for the rescheduling of repayments of debt principal and interest totalling US$47,000,000 , due between June 1 , 1991 , and June 30 , 1992 ; part of this — US$18,700,000 due to the US Agency for International Development ( USAID ) — was to be postponed for 10 years , while the rest was to be subject to a six-year grace period .
17 On Jan. 24 it was reported that Prunskiene was living in Switzerland , having fled Lithuania because of fears for her safety .
18 On Jan. 24 it was reported that 28 members of the Interim Legislative Assembly had taken their seats .
19 By Jan. 19 it was announced that six groups had agreed to the formula , but the proposal received strong opposition from the Pakistan-based Hezb-e Islami , led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar .
20 Indeed , when Mosley addressed a meeting of 1,500 people at Leeds Town Hall in May 1934 it was estimated that only about 400 fascists were present , ‘ most of whom had come to Leeds by bus . ’
21 When Mosley addressed a meeting of 1,500 people at Leeds Town Hall in May 1934 it was estimated that about 400 fascists were present ‘ most of whom had come to Leeds by bus . ’
22 In the case of R v Spurge [ 1961 ] 2 All ER 688 it was held that it was at least careless driving where the driver took a vehicle on a road , knowing there was a defect such as defective steering or brakes .
23 On 16 February 1891 it was agreed that John White should be appointed sexton at a salary of 13/-(65p) per quarter .
24 On May 12 it was announced that the Speaker of the National Assembly , Moses Kiprono arap Keino , had resigned .
25 On July 12 it was reported that Prime Minister Valentin Pavlov had been ordered to take measures against officials involved in buying their state-owned dachas ( country houses ) at vastly reduced prices .
26 On July 30 it was reported that the two countries had agreed new commitments to reduce the trade imbalance in a second follow-up report to the Structural Impediments Initiative ( SII ) talks .
27 On Sept. 6 France had blocked proposals to allow increased access for beef and other meat , but on Sept. 30 it was agreed that the three countries could increase meat sales by 10 per cent per year for the next five years , with the EC preventing any adverse impact on the internal market for its own produce by financing the sale of all this additional meat to the Soviet Union , Romania and Albania .
28 On Aug. 12 it was reported that the air and naval high commands had withdrawn their support for the President , dissociating themselves from the incidents of Aug. 10 .
29 On Aug. 12 it was reported that a lawsuit had been filed against Henri Emmanuelli , President of the National Assembly ( lower house of Parliament ) , for alleged misuse of public funds [ see p. 39023 for Le Monde report ] .
30 On Sept. 2 it was announced that Algeria would once again attempt to find a " lasting political solution " to the Tuareg question through diplomatic discussions with its neighbours .
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