Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adj] [conj] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What is , however , a matter of concern is that within days of receiving and failing to reply to that letter , on 23 October 1991 , the local authority moved the children from the family friends with whom they had lived since 17 July 1991 and placed them with foster parents .
2 Backed by just one woman trainee officer she confronted the suspect in alley off Lawrence Road , the scene of an attack in December 1991 that left her with a smashed up face .
3 The new army had to hold the Western Front after the demoralization of the French , following General Nivelle 's failed offensive of 16 April-21 May 1917 and did it with such success , that Allied victory became a possibility in 1918 .
4 At a press conference he gave after the collapse of the coup ( on Aug. 21 ) Gorbachev recounted that a delegation , consisting of Boldin , Gen. Plekhanov , Shenin and Gen. Varennikov , had visited him at his holiday dacha in the Crimea on Aug. 18 and placed him under house arrest because he had refused to endorse a state of emergency .
5 A programme of national assessment began in May 1978 and concerned itself with the standard achieved by 11 year olds .
6 Winchelsey learnt of this bull in December 1296 and published it in the assembly of January 1297 , called to consider the royal demand made in November on which they had deferred a decision .
7 This had immediate commercial implications and the Government suffered an overnight conversion , bringing forward the first Data Protection Bill in February 1983 and reviving it after the election later in the year .
8 Scott reached slowly inside his jacket then pulled the Beretta free and handed it to Hitch , who gripped the automatic in his fist and checked that the magazine was full , slipping it from the butt .
9 The sentence trailed off as Hitch pulled the Beretta free and aimed it at the crewman .
10 ‘ There is something about the entire layout of Olympia 2 that reminds me of Milton Keynes : all these signposts leading nowhere . ’
11 I arranged to see Isabelle alone and told her of my feelings .
12 He took it along to Stationers ' Hall on 2 November 1691 and entered it in the Stationers ' Register to establish copyright of a sort :
13 Beryl also welcomed Rita Quick and thanked her for coming to deputise for Molly at the afternoon session on Devising Display Items .
14 We submitted a manuscript in August 1991 and revised it in October in the light of minor criticisms by the referee(s) , whose report was highly supportive .
15 In pursuit of diplomatic support , Baker met Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen at the UN in New York on Nov. 28 and invited him to Washington , effectively ending the diplomatic isolation of China by the USA in force since the June 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre .
16 WordPerfect have found the multi-tasking capabilities of OS/2 valuable and see it as an important platform for future development .
17 Unionists were therefore beside themselves with joy when the Canadian electorate removed Laurier from office in September 1911 and replaced him with a Conservative , Sir Robert Borden , who now repudiated reciprocity .
18 An individual who bought the FT All Share Index at 31 March 1982 and sold it on 31 August 1989 would have suffered tax ( at 40% and ignoring the annual exemption ) of 24.2% of the proceeds .
19 ‘ Take her away from Woodborough Junior and send her to St Saviour 's . ’
20 In Gregg Araki 's The Living End , two guys discover they are HIV positive and abandon themselves to violence .
21 In an attempt to defuse the protests Roh dismissed his Minister for Home Affairs , Ahn Eung Mo , on April 27 and replaced him with Lee Sang Yeon .
22 Mr Thomas Rideout , his successor as Conservative premier , called a snap election for April 20th and distanced himself from the Peckford follies .
23 Having been approached by Adam Boreel , who with John Dury and Samuel Hartlib [ qq.v. ] in England hoped to persuade a learned Jew to translate the Mishnah ( the Hebraic core of the Talmud ) into Latin , Isaac Abendana arrived in Oxford on 3 June 1662 and presented himself to Edward Pococke [ q.v. ] and other prominent Hebraists there .
24 A new grouping , the Boere Weerstandsbeweging ( BWB — a splinter group of the AWB formed on June 11 and describing itself as the armed wing of the BP ) , pledged solidarity with the BP in its aim of re-establishing former Boer republics .
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