Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] up [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 So Angus got up on to the rock and held his fist high and told young McCulloch to stand the hostages on a knoll where everyone could see them and called out the oath above the drone of the pipe : ‘ We do swear — never to swerve — from our present path — till we have cleansed the country — of this oppressive Act .
2 Moving as quietly and gently as she could to avoid scaring the budgie away , Penny climbed up on to the fence and then , by way of various branches , up the tree .
3 Meredith glanced up uncertainly at the four-storey buildings soaring up forbiddingly on either side of the alley where they were walking .
4 Emilia looked up sharply in the gloom .
5 Of course , the well-groomed head of modern Bruges pops up all over the place to remind you that this is not really a medieval theme park at all .
6 flat-topped Sandoya rears up out of the sea , with , behind it , the tent-like shape of Sør-Fugløya , a bird reserve .
7 Anwar blew up all over the place .
8 But the Crues eased up alarmingly in the second-half to give an out-of-touch Newry side far too much room .
9 A while ago , a captain of industry exhorted Ireland to get up earlier in the morning .
10 Rory got up out of the creaking wooden seat and walked unsteadily over to where Fergus lay on the bare wooden floorboards , head against the ancient , burst couch .
11 Mrs Marriage came up tentatively along the line of boats , making sure she caught her husband 's good eye before she moved into their circle of secrecy .
12 As he edged forward , Sendei glanced up occasionally at the far end .
13 They found Googol tied up securely in the Emerald Suite with a leather hood over his head .
14 The steam seemed to have cleared a little and Lucien could see that Walterkin sat up straight against the far wall , his knees raised , his hands dangling between them .
15 Rigby was surprised when Gedge turned up beforehand at the town 's Tesco stores where she had a Saturday job .
16 Montgomery looked up gratefully at the sound of rattling cups .
17 Oh , it was a wondrous secret life that Little Billy lived up there in the sky at night on Swan 's back !
18 Sandy came up only on the front of the green but made three .
19 Tournament organiser Ussher Watson picks up again with the popular Class Two and Three events , a great hit with League players last year , and part of the Tri-Sport Mini and Micro Prix .
20 There were no bombs left , so Mayne leaped up on to the wing and , reaching into the cockpit , wrenched out the instrument panel with his bare hands .
21 Cardiff looked up then at the Constable , still dabbing at a fresh nosebleed with his now-crimson handkerchief .
22 Trotter backed up slowly towards the stairs .
23 Guido drew up abruptly at the side of the road .
24 Every time Jim tried to pass the Ford moved up close to the Renault 's rear bumper , or rather the towbar protruding from it , and Jim was forced to ease back again .
25 Overall : the overall performance rating of 225.28 is not at all bad , putting the Aries machine up there amongst the rest of the 33MHz 486 machines .
26 The train pulled into Woodburn , and Clare stepped up out of the carriage .
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