Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] as [subord] he be " in BNC.

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1 Roger looks as if he 's running well , so it will be interesting to see what the selectors will do . ’
2 Corbett felt as if he was in a nightmare ; the very smallness of the man made him a false opponent , almost cutting off Corbett 's blood lust and desire to protect himself .
3 Tammuz looked as if he was about to make a cutting response but then actually took note of Zambia 's expression .
4 Jenny was being embraced by her father and Antony looked as if he was standing in the queue .
5 Rossmayne felt as if he were torturing Topaz , but he had to stand firm .
6 Wordsworth writes as if he is a new kind of human being , like Adam naming the creatures for the first time .
7 Like when a drunken Richard Burton nodded off in the middle of a question ; the time Warren Beatty kept him waiting for an hour-and-a-half … and the day Robert Raging Bull De Niro looked as if he was about to punch him on the nose .
8 Ted looked as if he was about to be personally bombarded by a squadron of Messerschmitts .
9 PC Blenkinsop looked as if he was readjusting his shoulders inside his tunic top .
10 Manciple sounded as if he were apologizing for the other man 's rudeness .
11 Andrus looked as if he was going to say something , then changed his mind .
12 Harry whimpered as if he were being threatened .
13 She might be so bored that her jaw ached from trying not to yawn , but Nicolo — Nicolo looked as if he were about to explode .
14 Maidstone sounded as if he was not fully convinced .
15 Roman looked as if he was about to pounce ; she cringed back in her chair , and he frowned .
16 Indeed , Mafouz looked as if he was about to do something far more dramatic than simply catch the thing .
17 I Think I 'd better put the car in the garage cos I think Steve looks as if he 's gon na be cleaning erm Gavin 's go-cart .
18 Dawson felt as if he were the advance party for a dawn raid .
19 Jim spoke as if he were telephoning from a golf club instead of a cuckold 's bed .
20 Cranston looked as if he was going to refuse but thought again .
21 ‘ But — ’ C'zinsit paused as if he was unsure how to continue .
22 Fernie looked as if he was ready to explode again , but Alice nodded and he subsided .
23 And though Michael acted as if he was annoyed with Garry when he spoke out of turn , Maura also got the impression that he admired Garry for it .
24 Hoomey looked as if he was going to burst into tears .
25 Wishart felt as if he was standing at a crossroads with two paths leading into the darkness .
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