Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] been [vb pp] by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 LCCIEB has been endorsed by MCI to jointly seek accreditation to deliver MCI Level 3 ( for Supervisors ) and Level 4 ( for Junior Managers ) .
2 Mr Ritchie has been told by legal counsel that this new evidence in their opinion provides substantial grounds for Mr Lang to order a retrial or a full reinvestigation of the case , but assessment of the appeal documents is at an early stage .
3 Monday May 11th saw the new timetable introduced and with the withdrawal of InterCity from Shrewsbury , a basic hourly service from Birmingham to Shrewsbury has been provided by Regional Railways to Shrewsbury with alternate services onwards , one going to Aberystwyth and the other to Chester .
4 Despite his fame amongst his contemporaries , Gassendi has been overshadowed by those whom he influenced — perhaps because of the modesty and undogmatic nature of his arguments , which lie buried in lengthy , copiously annotated Latin works .
5 If he thought last summer 's trip down under was demanding , Wright has been warned by fellow internationalist and Boroughmuir colleague Sean Lineen to expect the ‘ toughest eight weeks of your life ’ in New Zealand .
6 The trial of Winnie Mandela had been marked by intense media and public interest , and was widely seen as having brought about the collapse of her personal popularity among ANC followers .
7 However , the spokesman , Mr Vladimir Mestensev , said Mr Gorbachev had been outvoted by several Praesidium members led by the former Moscow Party Chief , Mr Boris Yeltsin .
8 However , the spokesman , Mr Vladimir Mestensev , said Mr Gorbachev had been outvoted by several Praesidium members led by the former Moscow Party Chief , Mr Boris Yeltsin .
9 The apothecary had lied and Lady Eleanor had been murdered by other means .
10 A sector which is under pressure from imports may seek voluntary export restraints on the part of the foreign suppliers ( a wide range of Japanese exports to the United States have been affected by such agreements ) .
11 This project is looking at the way in which plant-breeding at public sector institutes in Scotland , Wales and England has been influenced by various interest groups : government ( via the Agricultural Research Council ) , the private sector ( including farmers ' organisations and seed companies ) , and the academic community .
12 Imports of vegetables from the former COMECON ( Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ) countries had fallen , and fruit imports from Cuba had been reduced by 75 per cent .
13 The German defences north of South Vaagsö had been bombed by three Blenheims an hour or so earlier , no doubt adding to the confusion at the German 181 Division 's headquarters for they had no clear picture of events and a patrol sent down from the northern defences lost two men at the road-block .
14 Stempel had been replaced by two men : John Smith is the new chief executive officer and John Smale takes over as chairman .
15 The last of these was ironic , not to say cynical , for much of the manpower used in the building of the Valle de los Caídos had been provided by political prisoners , who were allowed to redeem part of their sentences in what was , effectively , a labour camp .
16 Kalm was very impressed by the stoves at Chelsea , ‘ all arranged in the way discribed in Dictionary ’ , and he learned from Miller that two orangeries in England had been burnt by tan overheating ( the fermenting bark of the oak and a by-product from the tanning industry ) .
17 When she reached there she found that Ann and Ruth had been joined by several other girls , including Sarah , and were just about to start their game .
18 Ganev and the UDF had been angered by some documents leaked in late February in an attempt to smear him , and had demanded that the secret services by placed under the control of the Interior Ministry rather than the Presidency as at present .
19 Savings by the NHS have been made by switching funding for respite care and long stay nursing care to the social security budget .
20 PILOT projects for a safety system aimed at preventing disasters like that at Clapham last December have been approved by British Rail .
21 This focusing on JC has been noted by many writers , and is the basis for the term " London Jamaican " which has been current at least since Rosen and Burgess ( 1980 ) .
22 The rumblings that Intel Corp has been having more problems successfully fabricating the Pentium chip than it has been prepared to discuss have erupted again , and our sister paper Unigram.X today reports that Pentium has been hit by another round of serious availability problems because of poor yields .
23 The next morning the Prior brought a letter for Corbett ; a simple note which said that Benstede had been attacked by unknown assailants the previous morning , that he was safe but advised Corbett to be most cautious .
24 We now know that some of what must have been his ‘ hopes and wishes ’ and ‘ dreams of fame ’ have been fulfilled ; his worth as a novelist and his work in Canada have been acknowledged by succeeding generations .
25 ‘ What happens , ’ he asked the darkness , ‘ if Sir Ralph has been killed by secret peasant leaders ?
26 A guide to the production and use of social message video in sub-Saharan Africa has been published by National Video Resources ( NVR ) , based in New York , USA .
27 For instance , Bell-Ingram has been appointed by Clackmannan District Council to undertake a review of its property portfolio , which is believed to be the first of its kind in Scotland .
28 Progress in production methods at Barlaston has been matched by far-sighted management and a vigorous design policy .
29 With the United Kingdom membership of the European Community , it is to be expected that there should be some degree of harmonization with our European trading partners and recent legislation in the United Kingdom has been influenced by this .
30 This orientation can be characterised by certain basic attitudes , chief among which are ( 1 ) a continued and strict adherence to the tenets of Judaic law ; ( 2 ) a recognition of Jesus as Messiah in the original Judaic sense of the word ; ( 3 ) a repudiation of the Virgin Birth and an insistence on Jesus having been born by natural processes , without any divine intervention ; and ( 4 ) a militant hostility towards Paul and the edifice of Pauline thought .
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