Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] the [noun sg] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After the Battle of Waterloo Howe visited the battlefield and on his return produced a panorama covering many feet of canvas which depicted incidents in the fight .
2 The road to Rimini by-passed the town and in a few moments they were out in the wilds again , labouring up a steep , tortuous medieval track on which modern civilization had done no more than slap a layer of asphalt and a road number .
3 Mikhail Gorbachev took the request as as a joke but Mr Cliburn was entirely serious .
4 Mr Beckett makes the point that before embarking on such a venture the land would need to be fully assessed to determine the stocking rate .
5 King 's Road 's Mary Quant told the conference that with the advent of the miniskirt in the sixties the crotch had been redefined as the new erogenous zone .
6 When he published Parachute Padre , Fraser McLuskey mentioned the fact that to that day no trace had been found of the missing plane .
7 The poem is egocentric both in the strictly linguistic sense in which John Lyons uses the word and in its normal sense .
8 Aitken 's fellow international midfielder Paul McStay misses the match because of suspension , while Hibs recall their international goalkeeper Andy Goram .
9 Jane took the initiative and with encouragement from other students and tutors on the scheme she set up the Achievement Group , a ‘ students supporting students ’ programme .
10 The following year Mazarin commissioned Francesco Buti , the librettist of Rossi 's Orfeo , to recruit Italian singers and write another work , Le nozze di Peleo e di Theti , for which a Roman composer Carlo Caproli supplied the music and in which the dancers included not only Lully but the 15-year-old Louis XIV who was full of admiration for him .
11 Chan makes the point that in recent times academics have fared better than the average urban worker .
12 Noble sold the mill and by 1887 it had been taken over by Moses John Mason who , at his peak , was producing up to four tons of millboard per week .
13 However , his scrap with brother Joey enthralled the crowd and at the finish they came over the line almost together .
14 The hair was black , cropped short , the mouth looked like a casket holding mighty documents , and the eyes — the eyes were blue like electric shock-waves and held Lee as the eyes of an O'Toole or Cooper hold the audience when in close-up , like magnets , obliterating backdrops , Chinese plains , crazy broads , plots , accompanying scores , Orson Welles , everything .
15 Malone absorbed the pressure and against the run of play took up a position inside their opponents 22 .
16 Theseus slew the Minotaur and with Ariadne set sail for home , stopping at Naxos , where , after a night of love , he slipped away at dawn without her .
17 Medved makes the point that in Martin Scorsese 's remake of Cape Fear , Robert De Niro 's killer is a deranged Christian fundamentalist , whereas there was no religious dimension when Robert Mitchum played the role in the Sixties .
18 Medved makes the point that in Martin Scorsese 's remake of Cape Fear , the killer is a deranged Christian fundamentalist , whereas there was no religious dimension in the Sixties
19 China regarded the sale as in breach of a 1982 Sino-US agreement .
20 However Mr Botham discounted the idea that with 15 per cent of arable land now in set aside , farmers were cutting back on their inputs to a parallel degree .
21 Sandor keyed the PDU and at once Rostov sensed the relaxation of tension which went round the bridge .
22 The government of China denounced the project and on April 29 Xinhua accused Taiwan of helping to fund the vessel , conduct which was described as an " open provocation " .
23 But the agreement has been interpreted here as a bid to stave off a likely request that Peru leave the Fund because of its violation of the rules .
24 Mr Nathan lamented the fact that for 40 years Israel had been saying it had no one to talk to and now that the other side was prepared to talk , Israel refused .
25 Austin mooted the idea that on occasion what justifies my belief that there is a pig before me is just the pig ( Austin , 1962 , pp. 115- 16 ) .
26 In late October , after the Chancellor proposed certain tax increases , the FDP left the coalition and on 30 November , without their support , Erhard was forced to resign , his party divided , his foreign policy questioned , and even his reputation as an economic wizard tarnished .
27 Mr Prescott told the court that on the fateful evening Boxing Day last year he had been in the pub with Mr Maltby and another friend .
28 Joan Collins has the glamour but with just four husbands is under-qualified .
29 The Armstrongs were a lawless lot , paying little more allegiance to Scotland than they did to England , for they straddled the borderline ; so they were not to be trusted , but Johnstone and Jardine assured the Regent that on this occasion they would not cause trouble , for although they would care nothing about Balliol one way or the other , they hated Dacre , who as English Middle March Warden had recently hanged some of their people .
30 Dr Odling-Smee told the jury that in 1983 he read about his father 's role in the repatriation of the Cossacks in Mr Nikolai Tolstoy 's book Victims of Yalta .
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