Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] have [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Karimov claims to have discovered a direct correlation between nuclear tests conducted at the Soviet testing site of Semipalatinsk over the years and earthquakes throughout the former Soviet Union .
2 Alexander seemed to have become a decisive proponent of reform .
3 Caesarius of Arles seems to have held a similar opinion .
4 Despite the occasional brush with the law ( ‘ obstructing the police ’ in Vienna ) , Mr Rossi seems to have led a laudatory ( for a man of his calling ) existence — save for the fact that he bears no little responsibility in influencing the progeny of working people to attire themselves in tent material .
5 Mary Leapor appears to have given a great deal of thought to Pope 's ‘ Epistle to a Lady ’ .
6 By 1879 , one exasperated commentator remarked : ‘ M A. Guyard claims to have discovered a new metal of the platinum group which he names uralium , from the Ural mountains , whence the ore is procured .
7 Robert seems to have had a special affection for the Orynthia ; whereas many mariners came and went as the whim took them , he stuck to his old ship .
8 AS the talking went on in America the Bosnian Serbs appeared to have gained a firmer hold on their territorial war gains today .
9 HARTLEPOOL United have set a two-year target for promotion to the new First Division .
10 Although Andrews was convinced that his minister had conspired against him , Brooke seems to have played a passive role in the 1943 crisis , refusing to lead a party revolt , and becoming prime minister almost by default .
11 In the wake of the 1848 revolutions St Petersburg appeared to have acquired a larger say in the affairs of central Europe than it had possessed for a generation .
12 Forrester seems to have played a lovely game , or so we are told by the Sunday tabloids .
13 Les and Peg seemed to have uncovered a simple truth which has evaded so many of us .
14 Japan seemed to have invented a new way to create ultra-cheap money .
15 Fleischmann and Pons were seeing 25 per cent unaccounted-for heat sometimes and had not yet more than the hope of proving that there were neutrons proving fusion ; Jones claimed to have seen a few neutrons at levels which , while interesting for science and understanding aspects of the Earth , bore no large scale practical benefits — what use is a billionth of a watt ?
16 Although there are some irregularities , Smart seems to have had a fixed task allocated for each day and to have kept to it .
17 By 1882 St Cuthbert 's had become a separate parish and in 1885 Fr.
18 Feargal seems to have said a great deal .
19 Early in his career Thornton appears to have had a clear idea of the disposition of his circuit .
20 Macdonald also remarks a contrario , that " while the cheapness of women 's work as compositors in Edinburgh seems to have attracted a certain class of work from London , the men 's success in keeping up wages in London bookbinding does not seem to have driven bookbinding to the provinces " .
21 Christie 's had secured a good selection of attractive conversation pieces and landscape paintings calculated to appeal to private collectors on a budget , as well as the more interesting portraits and equestrian compositions , while the quality of the works at Sotheby 's was particularly thin .
22 Consultants Travers ' Morgan appear to have used a 1000 link computer model in the analysis for Serpell .
23 SPENNYMOOR-BASED Yvonne Bell seems to have discovered a top hurdler in Devlins Paddy .
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