Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] be [adv] [coord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Even if Ellie had been quite and utterly sober , she would have still found the clothes which were paraded after lunch for her sole benefit in one of the salons reserved for such occasions quite irresistible .
2 It went clean through the Redruth posts and the Soviet Union 's first tour of England had been well and truly launched .
3 Since the turn of the century there have been brief periods when Britain has been more or less self-sufficient in cereals , meat , and dairy produce — during the two World Wars , and today , under the extraordinary economics of the European Community .
4 Just then , a middle-aged , blow-dried villain — the usual opera-star face , woozy with loot and mother-love — urged a neon redhead past our table , our good table , to which Fielding had been instantly and officiously steered .
5 Paton had been physically and mentally scarred by the accident and had not driven since because of a risk of epilepsy caused by his injuries , the court heard .
6 An apprentice named James King had been severely and cruelly beaten by his master , an Ampthill tailor .
7 It 's this ‘ woman as victim ’ angle that particularly bothers other female musicians , especially Miki Berenyi , who was moved to write to Angst after Steven Wells ' Daisy Chainsaw interview ( wrongly ) alluded to Katie Jane Garside having been mentally and sexually abused as a child .
8 In the past , Mace have been ably and generously assisted by top sports personalities — men and women such as Linford Christie , Sebastian Coe , Kriss Akabusi , Dickie Davies and the former Minister for Sport , Colin Moynihan .
9 At one level , of course , it had worked , because throughout her pregnancy Rachel had been carefully and systematically nice to her .
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