Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [indef pn] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Aswan has none of the melancholy transience of most end-of the-line towns .
2 Back in Baidoa , little Issi knows nothing of the complex politics behind his hunger .
3 He will liaise with the medical rehabilitation teams and with the ERCs to know something of the overall picture of the person 's employment problem .
4 That night , as she waited for the band to strike up her opening music , Rory felt none of the usual tingle of anticipation which made the whole business of singing so pleasurable .
5 South Africa had no-one of the athletic calibre of John Eales , Ian Jones or Michael Jones .
6 Yet despite the vibrant colours Modigliani captured something of the wistful yearning of his nature .
7 In a couple of cases ‘ stock ’ -looking P–51 Mustangs reminded everyone of the lasting tribute of the marriage between a British engine and an American airframe .
8 He said if anyone thought Michael Fallon knew nothing of the possible move ‘ they are absolutely out of their minds ’ .
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