Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] in [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Madge Allsop had just crept in like a beige dormouse and deposited a salver of tea , though Dame Edna had dismissed her with a beady look when she attempted to sit in our chat .
2 Now they were in the home stretch , and Sir Ivor seemed hopelessly hemmed in as the American horses pushed for the wire .
3 ‘ O Jesus Christ , ’ he said , looking over my shoulder as if JC had just wandered in from the garden , ‘ did you die for this boy ? ’
4 Typically , Gedge has since gone in for his usual strict self-criticism .
5 Mr Gonzalez has also come in for criticism from within his own party .
6 Mr Gonzalez has also come in for criticism from within his own party .
7 Having prohibited party politics on the grounds that it fostered corruption , patronage and tribalism , Rawlings had finally given in to domestic and international pressure for a return to multiparty politics .
8 She and Mandy had finally got in from last night 's fiasco around four in the morning .
9 Slatter had probably slipped in with the crowd and been served by his wife while he was grabbing a swift meal in the kitchen .
10 Dinah had just gone in with the dagger to smear the sleeping servants with blood .
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