Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] that " in BNC.

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1 Dan realised with growing dismay that at forty-six he was qualified for nothing .
2 When his letter finally came , Mrs Fairfax announced with great excitement that he was planning a house-party at Thornfield .
3 Earlier in the year fittingly , during Passover , the festival which celebrates the Israelites ' escape from Egypt and the beginning of the journey which eventually took them to the Promised Land — Rabbi Moishe announced with quiet satisfaction that their contributions had mounted up to a sum sufficient to buy three hundred dunams of land in Palestine , that the purchase was in the process of being arranged on their behalf by the Jewish National Fund , and that he himself would lead an advance party of settlers from Cork before the end of 1920 .
4 For his part Humphrys maintained with some justice that any binding provision would not be compatible with Iraq 's future independent status .
5 For the rest of his life Ramsey treasured with vast amusement that once he was a mouldy day-bug .
6 Though Bede says at one point that Oswiu also made tributary the Scots ( of Dál Riata ) ( HE II , 5 ) , there is no direct evidence for this .
7 Hugo Brassard confirmed with obvious reluctance that Georgina Newley had lost no time in taking control of her husband 's business after his disappearance .
8 ‘ Anyway Muhammad said to this chap that when you go to the toilet you should n't wipe your bum with your right hand . ’
9 Wordsworth sees with some prescience that political beliefs will be the calls to battle in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries — you might say !
10 ‘ Oh , God , ’ Ruth breathed with such distress that Fernando tightened his grip around her , folding her so hard into his tense body that she clung to him hotly .
11 Mitch stormed , so obviously annoyed that Maggie knew without any doubt that telling him to guard Ana with his life had been a superfluous order .
12 Jane knew from bitter experience that love is a rare thing , so she felt very strongly that nothing should be allowed to come in its way , that nobody should be condemned to endure the rest of life with those two small , sad words : ‘ if only … . ’
13 The Celtic player Neil Mochan claims to this day that the 1954 squad were nicknamed ‘ The Liquorice Allsorts ’ .
14 Even in the depths of her distress Meryl recognised with bitter irony that here was someone else with the facile professional kindness that doctors developed .
15 Popular support for Mr Hussein grows with each bomb that falls on Iraq .
16 Duncan decided at that moment that if things got really bad he would blitz the Russian with some of the Skoda and Lada jokes that were popular in the West .
17 Coleridge said in later life that the farmhouse to which he now retreated was called Brimstone ( no doubt a Coleridgean attempt at Broomstreet , which stood two miles west of the combe ) .
18 Williams argues in this issue that there should be scope for a third verdict ( in addition to ‘ guilty ’ or ‘ not guilty ’ of abusing market power ) , where the market situation , though not the firms ' conduct , is not conducive to competition or economic efficiency , and on this basis is to be declared to be against the public interest .
19 Whitelocke replied with brutal honesty that in his opinion , ‘ it should be more to his prejudice than advantage to do so ’ , a remark that , predictably , displeased Cromwell .
20 Douglas Hurd remarked at one summit that ‘ some of the other member states have less faith in their own institutions than we do ’ .
21 In an attempt to reach a practical solution , Brunig and Klinge worked in Amazonian forest that was estimated to have some 700 plant species , excluding cryptogams , representing 70 families .
22 Danzigers felt with some justification that they had been left to the mercy of the Polish military and were now chained to what Molotov called the monstrous bastard of Versailles — the backward Polish state and economy .
23 Without being told , Sam knew at that moment that Clare would leave him .
24 In Izvestia Tavrov wrote in similar vein that the agreements of March 1949 had strengthened the cause of peace in the Far East and throughout the world .
25 Baroness Hooper conceded in another place that , in practice , that will happen .
26 It must have been a savage attack ; Boswell had offended Johnson 's pride and held him up to ridicule ; now Johnson retaliated with such force that Boswell says , ‘ though I can bear such attacks as well as most men , I yet found myself so much the sport of all the company , that I would gladly expunge from my mind every trace of this severe retort . ’
27 Zuwaya asserted in political discussion that no man was better than another ( a principle used in argument , rather than as a guide to action ) ; but when they spoke about distributive justice they put little emphasis on economic egalitarianism .
28 Detective Inspector Milsom said with deep feeling that this had not helped in the investigation so far .
29 Wellington knew from bitter experience that he would be required to make so much conversation at the Duchess 's ball that his supper would inevitably congeal on its plate .
30 Both of them looked at her with apparent concern but Kelly knew with utter certainty that they were together in this .
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