Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [conj] she was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But with the album scheduled for a summer launch , Kylie signalled that she was already preparing to leave .
2 This , then , was his way of seeing to it that Travis knew that she was out of bounds .
3 She was collecting glasses and plates from all over , slinging the contents in a vile bucket , and Philippa noticed that she was n't particularly careful where she stubbed out the cigarette that dropped a little trail of ash wherever she went .
4 Maggie asked as she was once again in the car and being driven away from her flat .
5 Zen wondered if she was n't slightly high on drink or drugs .
6 On entering No. 10 in May 1979 , Mrs Thatcher made it clear to the Whitehall machine that she was not a Cabinet-committee person .
7 Telling the caller to come right away , Sophie reflected wryly that fate was against her , and when Helen decided that she was n't needed in the surgery it seemed that she was destined to face Robert alone .
8 Helen said that she was not fixed on Sunday .
9 Maria discovered that she was actually jealous of Florian .
10 Then to her final and total humiliation Phoebe found that she was actually having a good time ; she was enjoying her mother and her mother 's easy authority and charm .
11 Dona change a lot more than Anna did because she was very impulsive and impressionable .
12 Jay cursed that she was so pleased with the crumbs of comfort : coffee , a drink , a phonecall .
13 She had been gone nearly two hours and Sara decided that she was not going to walt up for her .
14 Rodrigo Paestra knew that she was there .
15 Jack remembered that she was quite capable of doing this .
16 I sent a letter to Mrs Thatcher saying if she was so hard up as only to pay us 40p , then she could have the money back . ’
17 When the train had gone and they left the station Sarah seemed quiet and thoughtful and Anne thought that she was more upset by Terry 's leaving than she had shown while he was there .
18 To begin with , the reality of Scotland 's position in Europe meant that she was not vulnerable to attack from countries other than England .
19 ‘ After you left me I telephoned Barbara to see that she was all right .
20 Karl patted her arm , making Erika feel that she was deeply in the wrong but was being forgiven .
21 Diana replied that she was not yet a member of his family and , what 's more , she had no other dress suitable for the occasion .
22 Diana admits that she was n't easy to handle during that baptism of fire .
23 Her plans to move away from London meant that she was no longer able to continue as director of the Display Team and she was warmly thanked for everything she had done in the past .
24 Sally-Anne thought that she was about to faint .
25 ( Elizabeth said that she was not quite sure whether she ought to be pleased when I told her this ; but I am sure she was pleased . )
26 Dexter knew that she was not always as relaxed as this in pubs .
27 Well Annette said when she was up at but
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