Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [conj] [pron] [vb past] him " in BNC.

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1 Richard phoned and she told him about it , omitting the part about her offer of a donation .
2 Lucy swallowed as she sent him a nervous glance .
3 With her mind and her intellect Shiona knew that she hated him , yet , shamelessly , wantonly , her body still craved him .
4 Colette and Bernard self-published works about matters holistic and mystical , and Ken relaxed when I told him I was working on a thriller .
5 He was supposed to take the advice of Archbishop Lang of Canterbury but he distrusted everything Lang said because he thought him an appeaser of Hitler .
6 ‘ Hello , Maggie , ’ the Reverend Barr said when she reached him .
7 We began to prepare a show which became Pierrot In Turquoise — turquoise because it 's the British symbol of everlastingness and David claims that I saved him — not from Buddhism , not from everlastingness , but from becoming a Tibetan monk .
8 Ross drawled as she joined him , clearly appreciating the sight before him as his hard grey eyes swept over her tall , slender figure .
9 Commenting on the incident , Nguza said that it confirmed him in his decision to suspend the conference .
10 Goldberg delighted when I told him about the gauze and the draught , he wrote .
11 I 'll wait for you out in the corridor , ’ Bryce replied when she told him of her plan .
12 Oliver said when I told him this story rather hesitatingly , though I expect my nerves were to do with talking about Gillian .
13 Melanie knew because she watched him .
14 JH : Something that Frans Brüggen mentioned when I met him recently [ see JH 's interview , CDR 9/91 — Ed. ] was the still prevalent post-Paganini reversal of performing interest , whereby the difficult appears effortless , and the facile of monumental significance .
15 ‘ Guest room 's good enough for him tonight , ’ Fiona grunted as they swung him onto the bed and dropped him .
16 The older man laughed , albeit a little uncomfortably , Kate thought as she watched him drive away .
17 Stuart wriggled as she cuddled him .
18 Evelyn shuddered as she watched him crouch for a second , then spring up and take off jauntily like a half mangled insect .
19 He did n't understand what Miss Thorne meant when she told him to keep a gesture .
20 Stuart wondered if they made him stand out there , or if he chose to .
21 Watching from the window , Hilary grinned as she saw him hurry towards the driver , and only when he 'd climbed into the car did she move .
22 Nora called when she saw him on the road just ahead of her .
23 Greatly did the Cid rejoice when he saw him alive and sound , and he ordered his chains to be taken off ; and then he left Alvar Fañez to look to the spoil , and went into Valencia with a hundred knights .
24 ‘ It 's a secret , ’ Nick said when she asked him what they were laughing about .
25 It was a fair enough question , and when it came to being fair Fabia endorsed that she owed him this particular explanation .
26 On the night before , did n't Arabella say that she took him out to Primrose Hill in the morning ?
27 Lillee bowled another bouncer which did not get up as much as Fletch anticipated and it hit him straight on the head as he took his eye off the ball .
28 Merrill protested as she handed him the file .
29 It leapt in the air as it shot over the ramp , making Rachel gasp as she watched him slam the brakes on , flinging her forward to make the seatbelt dig into her .
30 I remember Otto mentioning that she entertained him there with Jean-Claude , and only later moved out into a room over the Café du Coin , to be nearer her ‘ young man ’ .
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