Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [conj] [noun] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Everything was ‘ turgid ’ and he was ‘ smashed to fragments ’ by some events , but writer Peter Dobereiner sensed that Crawford sometimes did not relate to his and Peter Lewis 's scripts .
2 He argued that the evidence from Nottinghamshire suggested that enclosures both increased the total demand for agricultural labour and the regularity of employment .
3 Davidson noticed that Kevin still limped slightly .
4 We will never know what Palin would have done with this part because Lindsay returned and Palin graciously stood down .
5 Advocate Depute Elizabeth Jarvie said that Graeme immediately went along the track where he found two trolleys on the line and pulled them off before the sleeper arrived .
6 Danny Baker reveals that Purves literally swam to ‘ Blue Peter ’ success — he first appeared in a life-saving item on the programme before becoming a regular .
7 Mr. Cooper alleged that Saunders then attacked the officer , forced him to the ground and got on top of him .
8 Nigel Haigh of IEEP notes that Britain soon became ‘ the most consistent opponent of significant early reductions ’ .
9 Mr Cullen said that police later had traced McKie , who had told officers : ‘ I wish I had n't done it . ’
10 Pons agreed that Jones originally argued with the theoretical aspects of their proposal but later became convinced by them and only then offered cooperation .
11 Adam wondered if Abigail sometimes woke up and looked for him in the dark , in the empty room , and fretted for a while before she began to cry .
12 In an interesting but rather elusive study of Methodism , which sees it as " the English counterpart to the democratic revolution " , the critical dynamic in a " modernisation " of English society which bypassed the need for revolution , Professor Semmel writes that Wesley primarily addressed his message to " The poor of the nascent proletariat of England 's growing factory towns " .
13 Marx claimed that bureaucrats typically lacked initiative and imagination , though this did not prevent them from trying to expand their powers and privileges .
14 Although inspired by the threat of NT , Guidon claims that COSE also grew out of pressure on Hewlett-Packard and IBM from large end users and independent software vendors demanding Unix standardisation .
15 Although inspired by the threat of NT , Guidon claims that COSE also grew out of pressure on Hewlett-Packard and IBM from large end users and independent software vendors demanding Unix standardisation .
16 Professor Dyos estimated that newcomers never amounted to more than between 12 to 16 per cent of the total population of south London districts in any single decade , but that this rate of immigration was sufficient to create communities in which less than half the inhabitants had been born within that part of Greater London which lay south of the Thames .
17 They were both so caught up in developments at Crystal Springs that it was sometimes hard for Christina to recall that Stephen still had a stake in a totally separate business empire in England — one that Robert seemed to be finding increasingly hard to administer in his partner 's prolonged absence , though Stephen still kept a very firm grip on English events from Barbados .
18 Having said that , it is beginning to gel as a discipline ; Mr D said that staff rarely discussed the aims of the course now , there being a ‘ general assumption that the ground rules are more or less the same [ as when we started ] ’ .
19 Christina wondered if Martin really had a date , and suddenly felt cheated , guilty and annoyed , all at the same time .
20 When Bishop Asser says that Alfred severely chastised those who disobeyed his orders , he may be referring to action of a similar sort .
21 Mr Brown alleged that Grugel twice asked plasterer Peter McCabe for some plaster boards and when he threatened to tell the police Grugel assaulted him , causing a laceration above his eyebrow which needed hospital treatment .
22 Mr Brown alleged that Grugel twice asked plasterer Peter McCabe for some plaster boards and when he threatened to tell the police , Grugel assaulted him , causing a one inch laceration above his left eyebrow .
23 Mr Wakerley said when police later went to Sams ' workshop , in Newark , Nottinghamshire , they found there a set of stencils capable of producing both messages .
24 Undoubtedly , he was a conservative captain rather than an adventurous one — James records that Worrell once said to him ‘ In cricket you leave well alone ’ , which , James felt , went deep into his method as a captain — but , for all that , he was not afraid of making changes if he felt they were needed .
25 Wishart nodded and Corbett instinctively felt the strain lessen .
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