Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pron] down [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A bell tolled , the sign for Compline , and Lady Amelia led him down through the darkened cloister out across the grass to the church .
2 Woolley led them down in a mock attack , the arrowhead formation swooping in a long , curling dive that went under the Frenchman 's tail and zoomed up and levelled out , back on patrol .
3 Sir Richard led them down through a flagstoned kitchen and scullery , out into the great yard around which the house was built .
4 She allowed Dr Neil to sit her down on a doorstep and help her to replace her shoe , and he guarded her while she tidied her hair , and pulled her torn dress together .
5 Dr Rafaelo took her down to the poolside .
6 Dr Neil sat her down in a chair opposite to his , and drew out the permanently set-up board on which she had frequently seen him working out problems .
7 After breakfast , Pete sits us down in a semi-circle .
8 Earl brought in a yellow legal pad with a number of acronyms on it in boxes , and North put it down on the table ; at that point , his secure telephone went off , and he had to ask Miller to leave .
9 Alan ushered them down towards the table .
10 As the ethereal strains of Ravel stole through the room , Penry let himself down on the sofa , eyes closed .
11 Tom settled himself down at the table and said , ‘ Now , let's have a chat about what we 're going to do when this snow clears .
12 Mary laughed as Martin pulled her down on the bed beside him .
13 Penry pulled her down on the sofa forcibly .
14 Mrs Totteridge swung herself down from the horse 's back and strode to the Range Rover .
15 He left , and Fran flung herself down on the bed , pummelling the pillow with her fists in a sudden explosion of temper .
16 Alan Wilcox puts it down to the fact that there has always been a hard core of people for whom it becomes their chief social interest .
17 Kalchu put it down on the roof and clamped the body between his knees .
18 Simon and Marian laid him down on a couch of deer-skins .
19 Probably because it was a way of roping him in for the future , Malcolm invited him down to a few rehearsals .
20 Rumour had it the owner of the Gazi burned it down for the insurance money .
21 She was hit and caught fire while going in to attack at low level and her pilot Don MacIntyre brought her down on the frozen surface of nearby Lake Hocklingen .
22 Asa took her down to a thousand , then five hundred feet , and the Yak , hungry for the kill , stayed on his tail .
23 The bus for the centre of Cairo took us down to the Nile and then along the Corniche to the 6th of October bridge .
24 Belinda put it down on the nearest table and sat there , shaking and desperately trying not to show how upset she was over Deana 's blunt accusation .
25 She would make George take her down to the river , or get Billy to run away with her for hours , never fearing the punishment .
26 Felicity flung herself down on the sacrificial stone , opening wide her legs , arching her back , so that her pudendum rose in the air like some nocturnal flower .
27 Hilda Machin settled herself down on the chair , smiling happily and looking guilelessly at Mr Kronweiser who , if the truth were known , amused her very much .
28 Alex brought it down like a guillotine for its utter cold meant no feeling , when feeling meant only pain .
29 One day Glumdalclitch put me down on the grass in the palace garden , while she went for a walk with some of the Queen 's ladies .
30 ‘ I 'll have Nurse Lambert take you down in the lift .
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