Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pron] be [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 During the 1650s , England experienced what was probably the freest religious environment of the entire early modern period , within which Protestants who believed in the doctrine of the trinity and refrained from breaking the law were allowed a wide measure of toleration .
2 G. On the western lowlands Chester ( 58 000 people ) is a central place where the Romans and the Normans defended what was once the lowest bridging point over the River Dee and so also the route into northern Wales .
3 As a result , Haslam inherited what was then the plastic-film group , which was at an embryonic stage of development .
4 Peter Alliss reckoned it was probably the end for Ballesteros if he had n't come roaring back by 1992 .
5 B&I 's UK passenger manager Victor Williams said it was just the start of the company getting into the ‘ super phase mould . ’
6 Ali proves he 's still The Greatest .
7 Bayham left what is perhaps the best preserved monastic ruin in the country .
8 But California has what is probably the highest suicide rate in the world .
9 Morton said it was only the intervention of the Queen which stopped her leaving public life for good .
10 In an added postscript , Mr Morton said it was only the intervention of the Queen which stopped her leaving public life for good .
11 Chris Stoney says I 'm almost the happiest person in the world .
12 Grierson , in fact , lived a singularly carefree and untroubled existence but Talbot thought it was hardly the time to point this out to him .
13 John joined what was then the Ministry of Labour and National Service in 1956 .
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