Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adj] to be [art] " in BNC.

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1 Alice Foley found this to be the one disagreeable aspect of her work as a sickness visitor .
2 Similarly , New and David acknowledge that to be a ‘ good mother ’ feels enormously powerful and encompassing ’ ( 1985 : 195 ) , but see this feeling as part of a culture-specific ‘ myth ’ of motherhood which can be dispelled by socially shared and supported parenting .
3 Ellie understood this to be an office , because there were young men in dark blue suits and white shirts , and young women stenographers in dark blue dresses with white collars sitting at mahogany desks carefully checking perfectly arranged papers , or moving silently across the deeply carpeted floor to file immaculate folders away in mahogany bureaus .
4 Collingwood considers this to be the Black Scar Workings which are located high above Levers Water , between Gt. and Little How Crags , or , " Hookriggs " .
5 The most recent survey was that organised by the British Trust for Ornithology in 1955 , which recorded c. 100 pairs ; des Forges and Harber considered this to be an underestimate .
6 Not only did Gassendi take sense-experience to be the criterion or measure of truth , he also adopted Epicurus ' atomistic view of the universe .
7 Lydia imagined this to be a joke and was surprised when April concurred .
8 The economic and social instability of Eastern Europe seems likely to be a major political factor over the medium-term future , but it is far from being the only element of instability in the present world system .
9 September looked set to be a dead month for mortgages , prompting fears of a further collapse in the market .
10 Unfortunately , Madonna took this to be an indication of the lads ' state , and took her leave .
11 Lodging-house landladies regularly did their lodgers ' washing for a small extra charge — Lady Bell found this to be a common practice among the one-third of Middlesbrough wives who took in lodgers .
12 BRITTANY declared 1991 to be the Year of the Chateaux and decided that a publication was required to illustrate and celebrate the wonderful array of seigneurial houses within the region .
13 Captain Crowe looked likely to be the last man to leave the ship but DeFreitas scuttled him eight minutes after he reached a courageous fifty with yet another which left the bat .
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