Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adj] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Meredith stopped short and stared at him in disbelief .
2 Both Mr and Mrs Singh seemed surprised and relieved by the normality of the school .
3 One young woman , Lucy , told how sad she felt that her mother had very low self-esteem , believed she was unattractive and overweight — even said once that there was nothing she could do or be that Lucy and her sisters ‘ could n't do or be better ’ , which made Lucy feel envied and forced into competition with her mother , when she did n't want to be .
4 Presumably , the other professional members were not supposed to feel dishonoured by this explanation : after all , what had Elena Ceauşescu done other than engage in those everyday academic activities — plagiarism , paying others to write one 's work and bullying those unwilling to comply ?
5 For the first time for a long while , Corbett felt wanted and warmed to these simple yet sophisticated men so bound up in their own routine of prayer , work and study that they regarded any visitor as a visible sign of God 's grace .
6 However , on the pre-Broadway run in Philadelphia , Mostel fell ill and died after only one performance .
7 Turning away from the commscreen , she saw Ari sitting hunched and troubled on the bed .
8 He 's holding his hand out to me , yelling at me , but I 'm stuck there , terrified , screaming , and I do n't know what to do , ca n't think what to do , even while he 's yelling at me to help him , come out to him , get a branch , but I 'm petrified at the thought of setting foot on that white , treacherous surface and I ca n't imagine finding a branch , ca n't think what to do as I look one way towards the tall trees above the hidden gorge and the other along the shore of the loch towards the boat-house but there are no branches , there 's only snow everywhere , and then Andy stops struggling and slips under the whiteness .
9 At the end of February Greenspan remained optimistic and committed to maintaining interest rates when revised figures for real growth in GNP in the final quarter of 1989 showed growth at an annual rate of 0.9 per cent rather than the estimated 0.5 per cent .
10 Bernard told Apricot that to believe in ghosts was to insult God : the souls of the dead went to heaven , purgatory or hell , depending , but did not hang around afflicting the living .
11 Rowntree described these as living in ‘ primary ’ poverty .
12 Yemen abstained on 5 votes and Cuba opposed 2 and abstained on 3 .
13 Joan , responding to the beauty of St Patrick 's beloved mountains , reckons she has come home : ‘ Graeme gets bored and wants to be off and doing new things .
14 Simon Swan swallowed hard and slid under the wall .
15 Arnie and Penny , as she was called , had tried to insist that Ronni stay overnight and return to London the following morning .
16 The opposition to Ershad remained fragmented and divided during 1989 , in spite of appeals by some opposition figures for a united front against him .
17 Burun stopped smiling and looked at her sharply .
18 But once he is dead Emeth meets Aslan and falls at his feet in instinctive adoration , as in terror , ‘ for the Lion … will know that I have served Tash all my days and not him ’ .
19 In this context ‘ critical ’ and ‘ rational ’ powers were developed and Goody sees this as connected with the beginnings of religious and natural philosophy and ultimately with science ( ibid . ) .
20 Highlight of the sale will be a Bitchu Aoe tachi blade by Tsugunao dated 1347 and estimated at $100,000–150,000 ( £51,500–77,300 ) .
21 ’ Several of the younger soldiers hooted with laughter , and Cathbad looked hurt and had to be brought out of the sorrel and soothed .
23 Mandeville sensed this and closed like a hawk for the kill .
24 Hearing that Jesus became amazed and said to those following him , I tell you the truth but no one in Israel have I faced to a greater face so that 's quite some statement that Jesus has made
25 Mrs Thatcher wore red , Mr Hurd wore grey and sat between her and Mr Jacques Delors , the traditional French enemy .
26 Adam kept low and dodged between the cars as he ran to the pavement .
27 The four Washingtons got airborne and flew in formation over the Station , just as the AOC was walking across the Parade Square .
28 The carrack was brought to anchor in the Bay of Cascais two evenings later , and after an uncomfortable night rolling about in the confused waters of that harbour , Sara rose early and went on deck to find that a thick mist had descended .
29 The final hymn had eight verses , not to speak of a chorus of Hallelujahs at the end of each one ; Mr Frizzell enjoyed this and sang in a pleasant tenor voice .
30 Irene looked puzzled and glanced at Juliet .
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