Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Managing director Gordon Smith said Prodescon planned further expansion as the recovery sets in .
2 His experiment used the conditioned suppression procedure and his critical experimental finding was that a novel stimulus added to a pre-trained excitatory CS evokes more suppression than the compound of CS plus familiar stimulus .
3 The answerphone , which was installed in March to provide recorded information when the Library is closed , dealt with 1,500 calls .
4 Two figure compositions by Stanley Spencer made satisfactory money although the results will have disappointed those dealers who were pushing Spencer 's market a couple of seasons ago .
5 Dionne brought pink champagne and a new Nina Simone album .
6 However , the ANC expressed grave concern that the government had not given a timetable beyond step two of their plan .
7 In the end Saunders achieved overwhelming support when the issue was put to shareholders and he himself was confirmed as Chairman and Chief Executive and the new structure of the Board was accepted .
8 ( The rank of Feldwebel in the German forces nominally corresponded to the British rank of sergeant , but a Feldwebel enjoyed greater prestige than a British sergeant and slightly more responsibility . )
9 Mr Babangida stressed this week that the handover was ‘ irreversible ’ .
10 It looks very much as if the version in the manuscript came first and Purcell did some polishing before the piece was printed — in the treble clef , of course , with an eye to the market .
11 He puts the success down to people in AEA winning new business and the great deal of work done in reducing the cost base .
12 Centuries of blood-letting ; at times the rivers of Ireland ran tainted water that the cattle would n't drink .
13 ITN claimed last night that an investigation had found people claiming to be BA staff were trying to persuade Virgin passengers to switch to BA in Los Angeles .
14 Downing Street admitted last night that the Maastricht Treaty may not finish going though the House for a year .
15 But when that proved impossible , Mr Massey got another chance and the ‘ beauty parade ’ of venture capitalists began again .
16 Up to 1985 , Caliban attracted limited interest and no offers acceptable to the plaintiff had been made .
17 Out of that curve , Doohan grabs another gear and the warbling exhaust note signals that the rear tyre is still scrabbling for grip as he shifts up again and aims at the daunting , sixth gear left on to the back straight .
18 Scarborough .. 3 Chelsea ...... 2 ( Scarborough win 4-3 on agg ) NOT SINCE Charles Laughton has Scarborough produced better theatre than the thunderous denouement which barged Chelsea off the Littlewoods Cup stage at Seamer Road last night .
19 The prototype was even easier , with its very light controls straight out from fighterland , but the FARs demand heavier feel and the production machine is solid , stable and predictable .
20 Jenna was a bit surprised that Alain knew this man and the fact that he knew him was n't making him any more gracious , either .
21 Before me is a reprint from the Analyst of 1941 in which Grant discussed recent work and a new method for deciphering charred documents .
22 Tom had perfect pitch and a wonderful recall and he could sing whole passages from Boccherini 's aviary music .
23 Judge Bruce Laughland ordered last week that the boy should be detained for three months .
24 Obviously Mr Lamont accepts this view and the overall balance he has struck would seem to be right .
25 Obviously , Mr Lamont accepts this view and the overall balance he has struck would seem to be right .
26 Dicey allowed that legislation and the common law could restrict liberty .
27 But the SSD claimed this week that the Appeal Court 's judgement flew in the face of earlier court decisions .
28 RAMBO superstar Sylvester Stallone feared last night that a killer hurricane had flattened his FIVE luxury homes on a Hawaiian island .
29 The arguments of the hon. Member for Islington , South and Finsbury carry much weight and the hon. Member for West Bromwich , East would do well to give them slightly more attention .
30 Mr Aitchison said last night that the consortium was still speaking to ‘ a number of interested parties demonstrating a willingness to help us ’ .
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