Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] was [verb] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Marie Marie was going down to her mother 's she was running as usual , she dashed up to our back door and said , is Doug around ?
2 Sub David Cork was brought down by Wes Saunders after Cusack headed down a long punt by Prudhoe , but Cook , taking the responsibility instead of the absent Lee Ellison , blasted his spot kick too close to Gareth Howells and the keeper pushed the ball away .
3 Three minutes after the break , City know it was not going to be their day , they themselves were awarded a penalty when Frankie Machavellio was brought down in the area .
4 Mother Francis was kneeling down beside Frank Hegarty 's mother .
5 Sgt Newman was gunned down by a man wearing a baseball cap as he walked to his car after leaving the Army careers office in Derby to which he had moved only 12 days ago to be nearer his home .
6 Ranger Jeffrey Judd was winched down in a basket to where the Hollywood cameraman lay exhausted , 60 ft below the rim of the Kilauea volcano .
7 Like John , Alan Wardle was knocked down as a small child .
8 The Basquiat show was turned down by other major US museums , although attendance at the Whitney rose 20% while the exhibition was up .
9 Outside , Baker Street was closed down for the weekend except for the Barracuda Club , which had taken over from the original School Dinners restaurant after it moved across the road to usurp the No. 34 Wine Bar .
10 However , we know from Yeats 's letters even more than his poems that he thought the last possibility for aristocratic ease in the arts had disappeared when Robert Gregory was shot down over France in 1915 .
11 Well , United started in fine style as early as the twentieth second ; Martin Foyle was brought down on the edge of the penalty area and Paul Simpson 's free kick was headed away for a corner .
12 In 1944 our Lancaster of 57 Sqn , piloted by Flt Lt Bulcraig was shot down on a raid on Revigny , Northern France , killing the pilot , Bomb Aimer Fg Off Robson , Flt Eng Sgt Gale and W/Op Sgt Loughlin .
13 TRUE Brit Wayne Batterbee was turned down for a job — because he has the Union Jack tattooed on his hand .
14 Swindon swept forward after the break and were given a 50th-minute penalty when Martin Ling was brought down in the area .
15 Their lucky break came with six minutes to go … when Martin Ling was brought down by George Parris … a professional foul … the ref decided he had to go …
16 Uncle Albert was squatting down by the flower bed doing a spot of weeding .
17 YESTERDAY was the anniversary of the Enniskillen bombing , when a Remembrance Day crowd was cut down by an act of indiscriminate terrorism .
18 Mrs Wright was sitting down on the bank , the gun across her knees .
19 Even before the strike started , rioting erupted in Beirut and other cities , and the Tyre home of Finance Minister Ali al-Khalil was burned down by demonstrators on May 5 .
20 But then Villa skipper Kevin Richardson was brought down in the area by Dean Austin after bursting through , and Staunton converted a 71st minute spot kick .
21 But then Villa skipper Kevin Richardson was brought down in the area by Dean Austin after bursting through , and Staunton converted a 71st minute spot kick .
22 4 years ago , Jeremy De Bage was knocked down by a motorcyclist .
23 MOTORIST Steve Hopwood was turned down for a disabled parking pass — even though he has only one arm and one leg .
24 It was here in 1911 , for instance , that the ruthless , reforming Russian First Minister Peter Stolypin was gunned down by a Jewish police agent in full view of the Tsar , at a gala opera night .
25 A new federal law prohibiting the destruction of the US flag was struck down by the Supreme Court on June 11 .
26 Their own staff had become acutely discontented — they were understaffed and overworked , and after the hype was all over Oxford DHSS was closed down by a strike lasting two months against understaffing .
27 Cremonese dominated the first half and were unlucky not to get a penalty when winger Massika Lombardini was brought down by a joint tackle from Osman and Gerry Harrison .
28 ‘ Yeah ! ’ came a chorus of voices and suddenly Jeremiah Scrape was manhandled down to the river and thrown in , notebook and all .
29 John Fillon-Payoux was knocked down by a car .
30 ROCK heart-throb Michael Hutchence was knocked down by a taxi as he left a Dutch nightclub .
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