Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] when he [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He won their favour in the wake of last year 's Anita Hill case when he vowed to clamp down on sexual discrimination and harassment in the workplace .
2 Dalglish , a much more relaxed man these days , seemed conscious of his old po-faced Anfield image when he claimed to possess as much feeling as the next man .
3 Liberal Democrat MP Simon Hughes on the Lamont affair WHEN he goes to see a Shakespeare play he wants to know what happens at the end .
4 Terry Long was always a welcome visitor to Selhurst Park , but it was an enormous pleasure to everyone connected with Crystal Palace when he agreed to make a public return here in October 1984 to give recognition to Jim Cannon , who is the one man to have played more games for us than Terry himself did .
5 I was therefore interested to read the reply of the then NIO Security Minister , Michael Mates , to a Parliamentary written question by Ulster Unionist Home Affairs spokesman , David Trimble in Hansard earlier this year , when Mr Trimble asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland when he intends to end slopping-out at each of the province 's prisons .
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