Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] be [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In a country where gestures are important , the official playing of the anthem at Ellis Park was insensitive to many people who had seen the very acceptance of the tours as a major compromise .
2 We do not and I hope that the Minister will accept that we have stated repeatedly that we do not believe that the MacSharry proposals are good for British or European agriculture .
3 Jon Taylor was responsible for both their goals .
4 Information about the full range of Henley programmes is available from this office .
5 One can only admire Lucie-Smith 's confidence in taking on such an undertaking , but wonder why Laurence King Publishing were keen on this project .
6 The Cheyney brothers were notable in Anglo-Italian society of the 1820s and 1830s , and were especially connected with Rome , where their mother had established herself at the Palazzo Sciarra .
7 Like many other colleges and educational establishments , Gateshead college is worried about that trend and thinks that it will increase in the future , particularly if nothing is done .
8 On the first count , it is significant that a very small proportion of RB programmes is concerned with developing work with the unemployed ; moreover , much of this work is concerned not with the working-class unemployed ( who , of course , form the large bulk of unemployed people in Britain ) , but with the unemployed middle-class or professional people .
9 So Richard Lawson is used to this response to canvassing :
10 Tam Dyell is concerned about nuclear weapons in troubled water
11 TREVOR FRANCIS believes David Hirst is ready for another call from Graham Taylor after a stunning goal ended Southampton 's resistance yesterday .
12 Of course the Lloyds building is hard for many people to swallow .
13 Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman is reassuring on this point : ‘ I think I can safely say that no-one understands quantum mechanics .
14 Lesbians Against Sado Masochism claimed that the dress codes and imagery of members of the SM groups were offensive to black people , to Jews , to gypsies , as well as to many lesbians and gays .
15 Air Chief Marshal Kaset Rojanani was relieved of two posts , as Armed Forces Supreme Commander and Head of the Air Force , and was appointed as Armed Forces Inspector-General .
16 ‘ Every project has to be considered on its own merits but when it comes to safety there are certain common denominators — that 's why there are so many do 's and don'ts in place — to protect us , ’ explains regional health and safety advisor , John Fegan who , together with colleague David Scott is responsible for all of Wimpey 's Contracting and Homes sites in Scotland .
17 BBC has been testing EON on its local radio traffic experiment in south-east England and the Midlands for about two years , and several other European countries are already , or soon will be , implementing EON , although none of the 50 or so existing RDS models is suitable for this function .
18 Centre Richard Governey was successful with one conversion .
19 Suitable from six months old to three years , the Pat Mat is available from major department stores , priced £6.99 ; for stocklists , phone 0633 838080 .
20 Pool midfielder David McCreery is fit after precautionary X-rays for a chest infection and could return to the side .
21 Ivan and Rosina Solowka are noticeable for two reasons — they are older than most of the others at the concert and they have the broadest smiles in the hall .
22 500 Años de Colonización — Que Celebren Ellos ! by Alfonso Santoni is available in Spanish only ( cost : US$15 , including postage ) from Acción Ecuménica , Apartado Postal 6314 , Carmelitas , Caracas 1010-A , Venezuela .
23 500 Años de Colonización — Que Celebren Ellos ! by Alfonso Santoni is available in Spanish only ( cost : US$15 , including postage ) from Acción Ecuménica , Apartado Postal 6314 , Carmelitas , Caracas 1010-A , Venezuela .
24 Richard Gough is unmatched by any current English central defender and Spurs must still be cursing the day they let him go .
25 The trial judge held that on grounds of undue influence , misrepresentation and unilateral mistake Mrs. Jones was entitled to equitable relief against her personal covenant in the mortgage .
26 David Coleman is unworried by this .
27 Letters and packets for personnel of HM Forces are exempt from additional postal charges for redirection when sent to a BFPO overseas .
28 Miss Logan was pensive at first , but then brightened .
29 The Tirajana apartments are ideal for those wishing to enjoy the nightlife and then get away from it at the end of the day .
30 It 'll be many months before the case next comes to court but Linda Joyce is happy at last she has an opportunity to clear her name and that her case has opened the way for others in a similar position .
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