Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] 's [noun pl] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday Miss Stott 's grandparents said they believed she and her boyfriend , Peter Ellis , originally from Tyneside but working as a computer analyst in New Zealand for the past 18 months , had gone on the three-week holiday in order to get engaged and to share their love of jazz .
2 Zimbabwe 's Chimbima gets an unwelcome leg-up from a Namibian tackler as Andy Ferreira 's men gave their Southern African rivals a fright in a hard-fought quarter-final encounter , leading 10–0 at half-time before eventually succumbing 16–10 .
3 ‘ Thus , ’ as J. A. Burrow remarks , ‘ as Duke Humphrey 's guests worked their way through this very unpenitential fish banquet , they were invited to see in it the four courses of their own life 's feast . ’
4 Many of Richard Gough 's contemporaries provided him with information about a wide range of cousins and about ancestors going back several generations .
5 Candidate Kay Kirkham 's aides admitted their vote had collapsed in her home town of Thornaby and neighbouring Ingleby Barwick .
6 As Ibn Fayoud 's guests took their seats for dinner , he introduced himself to Kelly with edgy formality .
7 Will Brazil 's reforms improve her health care ?
8 Dr Jaffery 's nieces begged him to tell us one of his Mullah Nasir-ud-Din stories and eventually he obliged .
9 Her resistance to Generalissimo Franco 's Nationalists endowed her with legendary status .
10 Katherine Colgrave 's lawyers claim she only discovered in 1984 that she may have escaped disability if she 'd been correctly diagnosed and treated soon after birth .
11 Her room was pleasant and airy ; a front room , probably the best in the house , and Aunt Louise 's possessions gave it quite an air .
12 Some of us worried and went looking for him , then one of Alf Wood 's sons found him dead in the old pw hut , we think he died of a heart attack or so the doctor said .
13 The South Africans arrived claiming they were going to teach the Welsh pack about power play but Gary Llewellyn 's men blew them apart and the Welsh forwards bagged four of the tries .
14 Sir Patrick 's friends believe he will have no difficulty in winning respect and confidence from all sides as his predecessor , Mr Peter Brooke , managed to do .
15 But Mr Arafat 's critics accuse him of acting like a dictator by forcing his wishes on the Palestinian movement .
16 This he did , insisting that Mr Bangemann 's remarks reflected his own personal views .
17 Close observers of Mr Bond 's affairs say his family controls considerable wealth .
18 If that seems to be the Russian price for full German unity , and if Mr Kohl 's instincts tell him it is also his price for winning the next German election , he may be tempted to go for it .
19 But Mr Brooke 's aides insisted he had made no decision .
20 Mr Collett 's employers say he was a first class driver .
21 ‘ Eventually , Mr Chapman 's efforts brought their reward .
22 At the Police Federation 's annual conference , which opened in Blackpool yesterday , they protested strongly against Mr Clarke 's plans to subject them to new disciplinary rules .
23 Most of Mr Clarke 's colleagues reckon he will follow a cautious macroeconomic policy rather like Mr Lamont 's .
24 In the union section , Mr Davies 's supporters claim he won 18 per cent , Mr Field 10 per cent and Ms Kathy Wilson , a Militant supporter , 7 per cent .
25 Mr Major 's aides signalled he will use Llangollen to show the Government can , and does , face up to tough long-term decisions .
26 It seems that one of Mme Huyghe 's predecessors put them there sometime after the Second World War and then forgot all about them .
27 Mr Brown 's requests suggest there were further hidden subsidies which have yet to be disclosed officially .
28 Mr Brown 's remarks reveal he has no idea what he is talking about .
29 Prince Charlie 's servants ushering him urgently on to a boat , looking anxiously over their shoulders to check that no traitor has deceived them and given away the location of the Prince 's departure , when suddenly the Prince spies a dark hole some miles away on the side of a hill .
30 Even Mr Waigel 's friends shake their heads at his ‘ double-the-number-you-first-thought-of ’ handling of Germany 's public finances .
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