Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [vb past] [adv prt] of the " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly the huge wooden arched door was sprung open and Fernando Serra stepped out of the gloom of the house and into the almost indecent brilliance of the sun .
2 In the event , only a smaller group of about 100 delegates led by Armando Cossutta walked out of the final session of the congress , with the declared intention of continuing the Italian communist tradition elsewhere .
3 Miss Potts came out of the room at this moment , she eyed Gwendoline with dislike .
4 And with that final attempt to recapture something of his former Manner , Edward Crumwallis shuffled out of the study .
5 As Selwyn rummaged around the shed for his tools , Barney Summerville came out of the garage wiping his hands on an oily rag .
6 IRVINE 's Jim Muir and Hugh Duff , the former Auchinleck man who is now living south of the Border and lining up in England 's colours , won through to the second round of the Midland Bank World Indoor Championship in Preston yesterday as former winners Terry Sullivan and David Bryant tumbled out of the title race .
7 While I was speaking , Miss J. looked out of the window in a sarcastic manner and when I had finished she said ‘ thank you ’ very politely but with rather a sneering look .
8 Just after lunch , as she was wriggling into her guide uniform , which had grown somewhat tight , Miss Lodsworth looked out of the window and saw a girl not wearing a hard hat clattering five ponies down the High Street .
9 Mrs. Mounce jumped out of the armchair and twinkled away to the door .
10 Cosmopolitan chief Marcelle d'Argy Smith stormed out of the historic Oxford Union debating chamber after sitting through 90 minutes of bawdy horseplay .
11 Exley vows : ‘ I 'll be back ’ Amateur By JEFF TODHUNTER ALAN Exley bowed out of the ABA championships in the national quarter finals at Gateshead Leisure Centre because , possibly , he showed his opponent too much respect .
12 Short was co-driver for the British hope David Llewellin , but on Tuesday their British-prepared Toyota Celica crashed out of the five-day , 2,000-mile event .
13 Dr Livesey came out of the house in time to see me climbing into the stockade , and my friends welcomed me happily .
14 Sister , Robins , and Dr Jones came out of the latter 's office .
15 A very angry Sergeant Waters jumped out of the driver 's door .
16 William Darling looked out of the window , unhappily .
17 Dao Van Lat hurried out of the antechamber by a side door , leaving Joseph and his mother to join the line of departing guests .
18 Mr Brownlow hurried out of the room , down the stairs and into the coach without another word .
19 AT THE height of last week 's farcical premiership crisis , President Mitterrand slipped out of the Elysee Palace under the lenses and noses of the encamped journalists awaiting his decision , and went shopping .
20 While Heathcliff was getting his breath back , Mr Edgar walked out of the other kitchen door into the garden .
21 Piper O'Rourke stepped out of the murk behind them , wearing a concerned expression .
22 He removed them when he first came since they would not shut because , as old Mr Abbott the gardener explained , ‘ not once but twice Mr Betjeman reversed out of the garage without opening the doors , and when charged with stupidity , made the excuse that on both occasions he was wearing a sou'wester . ’
23 After a moment , Mr Browning came out of the drawing room .
24 Until Mr. Mendez came out of the hotel and Russell nudged his roan up to in front of the office .
25 Elaine Morris stared out of the window in astonishment .
26 No one asked that question , they simply focused upon er the , the communist insurrection in the south and the American , American commitment to the global containment of communism meant that they had to go and do something about it and domestic political pressures were there too er President Kennedy came out of the Cuban missiles crisis a hero because his people mistakenly believed that he 'd won a foreign policy success and that he 'd acted in a restrained and statesmanlike manor .
27 Mr Yeltsin walked out of the Kremlin Grand Palace after the Congress had ignored his appeal to save an agreement reached in December .
28 Mr Yeltsin remained out of the public eye at his country house , but sent two of his key lieutenants , Mr Gennady Burbulis and Mr Sergei Shakhrai , along with Mr Gaidar , to address a meeting of the parliamentary leadership .
29 While Mr Tsongas stayed out of the New York contest , Mr Clinton and Mr Brown had a bruising fight .
30 In the United States the long dominant Democratic New Deal electoral coalition , which Franklin Roosevelt created out of the white south and the industrial working-class , has been in retreat .
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