Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [vb past] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Lord Justice McCowan said he found it quite impossible to hold that Mr Hurd 's political judgment — that the appearance of terrorists on programmes increased their standing and lent them political legitimacy — was one that no reasonable home secretary could make .
2 Judge Richard May said he accepted they were genuine supporters of animal rights .
3 Numbly Rory allowed him to lead her to the dance floor , moving automatically into his arms as though she 'd always belonged there .
4 Miss Anna told me to ask you to go straight in . ’
5 Signor Diomede ordered me to bring it up , Signorina . ’
6 Dean Hall expelled him saying he was not a suitable pupil .
7 I know Frank Foley wished you to help us extend our network here , but this is a task I think potentially more important .
8 The Bootle Times wanted us to put them up again for a photograph , and they were left until the next day because it was raining . ’
9 The man from Servette Geneva saw nothing to worry him from his UEFA Cup opponents .
10 Dr Jones asked me to tell you he was off to tea .
11 But Mr Donnellan claimed they wanted him to admit a lesser charge to get him out of the college quietly .
12 Mr Dawlish told me to give you a summary of the virus .
13 Mr Benedict asked me to give you this , miss , quiet like . ’
14 Mr Sinclair said : ‘ Police started preliminary inquiries and then Mr Jowett said he wanted us to stop .
15 Then , impulsively , she squeezed Ruth 's hand , adding : ‘ I know Mr Hardiman made us swear we 'd never try to find out where the money came from , but — well , now we 've found out by accident , so that does n't count , does it ?
16 Fred Rodgers said it took him 30 minutes to travel half-a-mile this morning .
17 Mr Hellyer asked me to hide it for him .
18 Ingleton School is a Church of England junior and infant school and Mr Boocock said he thought it was appropriate for the issue of the church 's role in education to be discussed in church .
19 Mr Clarke said he assumed it had done a U-turn across the central reservation .
20 On police authorities , Mr Clarke said he expected them in future to have a mix of eight elected councillors , three magistrates and five members , including the chairman , appointed by the Home Secretary .
21 On police authorities , Mr Clarke said he expected them in future to have a mix of eight elected councillors , three magistrates and five members , including the chairman , appointed by the Home Secretary .
22 " Mr. Preston wanted me to ask you if it would be convenient to move the bureau into your part of the house this afternoon , " Mrs. Mott began .
23 When questioned about selective internment , Mr Smyth said he believed it should go ahead and be even handed , involving both loyalist and republican terrorists .
24 Mr Fallon said he thought it was fatuous to compare one income with another .
25 Yet with how much less justice than Helen Huntingdon did she contemplate it now !
26 General Motors Corp may need to sell a stake in Electronic Data Systems Corp in order to overcome a $14,000m worldwide pension obligation , industry analysts told Reuter : chief financial officer Richard Wagoner said the automaker plans to make a ‘ significant contribution ’ into its pension fund this year and next year , and over the next six or seven years , hopes to eliminate its pension fund liability completely ; analysts say it could raise almost $5,000m by selling a 25% stake in the computer services giant , and Lehman Brothers automotive analyst Joseph Phillippi said he expects it either to sell a stake or return to the equity markets ; officials from both the General and British Telecommunications Plc say that any deal for the UK phone giant to buy a stake in EDS is far from certain .
27 Mrs Bliss overheard her giving her this address . ’
28 However , the two sisters telephoned Airdrie police station after friends in the Monklands area contacted them to tell them of the latest developments in the case .
29 I was proud and delighted when Shimi Lovat invited me to join him as piper , and later , on the morning of 6th June , to pipe his 1st Commando Brigade through the surf and on to the Normandy beaches , where so many men were killed or seriously wounded .
30 Lost most people with a powerful central theme to their life , Gedge had to adopt an obstinate approach as The Wedding Present became successful and during their two-year relationship , Debbie Kaye felt it made him self-centred .
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