Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [coord] [vb mod] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although based on research of lasting value , the draft Articles on service of documents rest overmuch on United States perceptions and would not have survived the sort of examination to which they would have been exposed at an international diplomatic conference .
2 Sequent is aiming the product at users that want to be Teradata owners but can not afford it .
3 Earlier that day , Fimbra had sent an investigation team to the King Street offices but could not find several client records or locate Mr Renton .
4 He was in court on Monday morning but would not give his name , age or address .
5 ‘ I had too much respect for Yule Craig and would not have been part of anything that let him down .
6 He will be hoping his team can perform their annual Houdini act but can not produce the answer as to who will provide the goals .
7 I 've watched Liverpool from before the days of Bill Shankly but can not recall a plague of injuries .
8 The moral is plain : any help for airlines should be tailored to the Gulf war and should not survive it .
9 I 've never met anyone like him , he wanted to everything the Shaun Charman way and would not compromise . ’
10 In fact a couple of nights later he took me to see Max Miller at Holborn Empire and would not let me pay for anything .
11 ‘ I told him you were a Callanish eagle and would not die here . ’
12 The British Company might have agreed to this , but ships of the French and British navies had sailed to the Indian Ocean and could not remain neutral .
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