Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [noun prp] [adv] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Barnes president Richard H. Glanton additionally maintained that , for logistical reasons , the tour had to begin as soon as possible .
2 But in 1943 the Italian scholar Maria F. Squarciapino painstakingly collected and analysed the material , recognised its quality , labelled it as the output of a " school " , and urged a re-evaluation of the artists ' contribution to the history of ancient sculpture .
3 For many years Eikon Basilike remained discredited , and it was only in the middle of the twentieth century that the researches of F. F. Madan finally proved that the book was in fact based on papers written by the King in captivity , copies of which fell into Gauden 's hands ; and that Gauden had sent the draft of the book to the King and received his comments and corrections before it was published .
4 Mr Justice Morrit therefore concluded that there was no preference in fact in relation to any part of the payments made .
5 During the 1930s , for example , Sir Ivor Jennings readily acknowledged that Dicey was ‘ the first to apply the juridical method to English public law ’ .
6 The local historian W. G. Hopkins once claimed that every historian worth his salt should get mud on his boots .
7 Stephen Tester of Cameron Markby Hewitt also agreed that the company is the client .
8 Chairman Sir Anthony Tennant rightly predicted that many of us would be too hard up to stand a round of drinks in the pub anymore — but that we 'd still fancy a cheap tipple at home .
9 In the Commons Mr Major bluntly warned that killing the Maastricht Treaty would be a ‘ fatal cocktail ’ for jobs and prosperity .
10 In his statement on 23 July 1987 , Mr. Douglas Hurd therefore announced that for prisoners serving discretionary life sentences ( Hansard , Sixth Series , vol. 120 , p. 746 , col. 348 ) :
11 Irish Justice Minister Maire Geoghegan-Quinn and Stormont 's Security Minister Sir John Wheeler both maintained that RUC-Garda co-operation had never been higher .
12 Saturday 's expected points spree for West at relegated Liverpool St Helens never materialised as they signed off their highly successful season with a 32–0 win .
13 Arthur C Clarke once remarked that any sufficiently advanced technology is , to the rest of us , indistinguishable from magic .
14 Peter Barkworth ends his Sassoon evenings by waving triumphantly a battered copy of the memoirs ; even with a more controversial figure such as Lillian Hellman , Frances de la Tour only accepted because she felt sympathetic and compatible .
15 ‘ Male Ventriloquism ’ was judged to be good work and discounted by the examiners as probably largely by Roland , which was doubly unjust , since he had refused to look at it , and did not agree with its central proposition , which was that Randolph Henry Ash neither liked nor understood women , that his female speakers were constructs of his own fear and aggression , that even the poem-cycle , Ask to Embla , was the work , not of love but of narcissism , the poet addressing his Anima .
16 Democratic National Committee chairman Ronald H. Brown immediately commented that his decision would make it easier to get " a consensus nominee early in the process " .
17 Fumaroli argues as if Le Roi Soleil still proposed and disposed in cultural matters .
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