Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [vb mod] [vb infin] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , to screen a 20x20 array ( 400 samples ) by grid-referenced PCR , a minimum of 43 individual PCR reactions would need to be run .
2 And he does not like to be reminded of the gaffes he made as deputy chairman — branding the young unemployed as workshy , or musing on Radio Ulster whether Ian Paisley might like to be prime minister of a united Ireland .
3 Even this would be conditional and limited : ‘ the right of these groups [ refugees ] to move to the West Bank and Gaza Strip would have to be established through negotiations …
4 She had a blood sugar reading of a hundred and sixty yesterday afternoon , and we realised that with the lighter schedule her morning component of NPH insulin will have to be raised .
5 They stopped beside the resting horses and looked down on the vale of Grasmere , a prospect described by great poets as an unsuspected paradise , depicted by painters as a jewel set in nature , sought out by the fashionable , protected by the sensible , evoker of sublime epithets , a small , ovaloid dream lake ringed by mountains proportioned in a measure which touched the intelligence as much as the eye ; if any one place deserves the description , then Grasmere Vale could claim to be in the very eye of the Romantic storm , in its beauty , its seclusion , its inhabitants and its capacity to draw in and draw out some of the greatest artists of the era .
6 Bath buns , Cheddar cheese , York ham , Brussels sprouts would have to be made or produced in these places .
7 TRANSACTIONS on the money market worth £6bn undertaken by Hammersmith and Fulham Council may have to be honoured , even if ruled unlawful , it was suggested in the High Court yesterday .
8 Leading Wren Lilith Penrose would have to be watched , or Lucinda and Jane would be in it , right up to their ear-holes .
9 ‘ Ulster Unionists ’ can be patronised as fractious tribesmen ; Northern Ireland Conservatives might expect to be treated as equals .
10 It remains to be seen whether the IBM name will prove to be boon or bane .
11 Chivers publications will continue to be available from Chivers , and Mary Finch at the Chivers sales office in Bath will continue to advise libraries and to take telephone orders .
12 If the ayes have it tomorrow , Dr Cole-King can expect to be a vicar by this time next year , once the measure 's been approved by Parliament .
13 Jane Saren would seem to be the obvious person , but perhaps you would let me know whether you would like me to approach Jane to see if she is willing take this on , or if you would like it handled in some other way ?
14 However , past experience at other rubbish-burning plants , such as the Greater London Council 's incinerator at Edmonton in North London , suggests that the Corby version will need to be extremely efficient to make a profit .
15 An ordinary NHS patient can ask to be given a greater degree of privacy in a separate room if it is not needed on medical grounds for other patients , and can pay for the privilege .
16 NHS services will continue to be largely free at the point of use .
17 Usually Aunt Louise would seem to be asleep , or not to realize I was there .
18 Mr Appin will try to be clever , ’ said Miss Resker happily , ‘ but if we watch him carefully , we shall see his lips move . ’
19 I do n't think it was that Robert Rozario 'd admit to being the quickest player in the world .
20 The secretary-general of the UN , Boutros Boutros-Ghali , announced this week that UN troops might have to be pulled out of Croatia unless relations between Croats and Serbs in UN-patrolled enclaves there improved and the world began to pay its peacekeeping bills .
21 But there were a few , and Mr Frohnmayer would like to be counted among them .
22 The really frightening aspect of what is going on is that the alternative to Mr Yeltsin would seem to be chaos involving a complete economic breakdown , from which only extremists could benefit and all of us would suffer .
23 Mr Mellor will continue to be responsible for bringing in new laws on privacy and press intrusion if necessary .
24 We have also to devise a means of editing material which Mr Benn would wish to be withheld for a certain period on grounds of personal sensitivity , in such a way that it can be reinserted in the correct place ( if necessary on a disc or tape ) when the time comes .
25 The UN Charter would have to be amended to provide for a special security council which would not , presumably , include the rights of veto held by the five permanent members of the existing security council .
26 They had warned in October 1990 that Cammell Laird would have to be sold or close because of defence cuts .
27 Mr Moore might have to be sent into space as part of the new government 's ‘ Celebrities in Orbit ’ programme .
28 Maybe Mr Lewis would like to be allowed to walk in the country alongside the army in training ? — more fool him .
29 While Prince Charles could afford to be amused , Diana was quickly discovering the exacting price of royal romance .
30 And we do n't suppose that the United States will continue to be so generous with its aid , once the FDR takes power !
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