Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [conj] i [was/were] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I broke my engagement to David Markham because I was in love with someone else . ’
2 He continues : ‘ Pat Connolly and I were in the third Fulmar ( N1994 ) and we joined up our range of Hurricanes with some left from the second range which had returned .
3 ‘ He was very much an East End boy and I was from the country , ’ explains Shrimpton .
4 It was Monday morning and I was in bed .
5 Lest anybody should have got the idea from my August column that I was in some way in favour of four-year funding of students of architecture , let me set the record straight .
6 Finally Mary Knelle and I were on our way once more , driving past hillsides where neat black cut-away shapes showed that turf had been extracted .
7 Charles Laubscher and I were on standby , ’ relates Gerald Bellamy , ‘ and for some reason did not hear the scramble .
8 I saw some of the places that were to play an important part in the later dramas of my life : the great Clerecia church where I was to be sitting one momentous morning , and beside it the lovely Casa de las Conchas , its walls decorated with rows of carved scallop shells — seven rows adorn the upper storeys .
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