Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [conj] [pron] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Ronnie Dunn first took the interest of the Crystal Palace management when he appeared in goal for the British Army in a thrilling 5–4 clash with their French counterparts at Selhurst Park on 23 February 1929 , and again when the Belgian Army provided the opposition a year later .
2 Eliot describes how working men who went to the music hall to see Marie Lloyd and who joined in the chorus were performing part of the business of acting , collaborating with the artist in a manner essential in all art , most obviously ( for Eliot ) in dramatic art .
3 ‘ The girl who 's missing — you 'll have had my circular — is Deborah Jean Maxwell and she lives in Piazza Pitti , number three . ’
4 As far as pure simple enjoyment goes , I 'd say it was an expedition to a mountain called Shivling which Jim Fotheringham and I climbed in 1983 .
5 He went to Exeter University and he lives in Oxford , a place whose strange , cliquey culture lies at the root of a lot of his songs .
6 He 's not Robinson Crusoe , there are other old newspaper owners so he will say okay the government in Australia is doing what I like , therefore my newspapers or usually most of my newspapers , in fact one or two of them wo n't , will support that government and that government can be totally different one in the United States where in the Washington Post or you know in the New York Post or whatever will go and attack or support because he thinks it 's in the less interest that his commercial interest and the U S because he sees us doing the same thing there .
7 Agriculture has a more important role in the Northern Ireland economy than it has in the United Kingdom economy as a whole .
8 He has as many centuries in the two-and-a-bit years that he has been England captain as he had in all his years in the ranks .
9 He has as many centuries in the two-and-a-bit years that he has been England captain as he had in all his years in the ranks .
10 Contact the La Leche League if you feel in need of any help .
11 I recall when Nancy Leadbetter and I stayed in a terrible fleapit of a room in Siena .
12 No necklaces or bracelets may be worn at all , which includes all JS employees whether they work in high risk areas or in the office .
13 Mrs Thatcher wrote a letter in 1984 accepting Mr James Prior 's resignation from the Northern Ireland Office and she said in it , ‘ I take your point about frankness !
14 Haig Thomas and I arrived in Addis Ababa on 8 September 1933 and stayed with Dan and Chris Sandford on their farm at Mullu .
15 It.starred this kid called Ed Byrnes and he sat in a Ford Thunderbird or Chevrolet and he combed his hair like this , and he said , ‘ Hi-ya chick , howd'ya like to take a three-hundred horse power plunge into the landscape ? ’
16 That 's one thing Ted Heath and I have in common .
17 One of them is the beginning of the biographical sketch of Ernest Hemingway as it appears in the Penguin edition of his novel For Whom the Bell Tolls ; the other is the same biographical sketch with the order of information in each sentence altered .
18 The school , which has taken part in the festival since 1968 , was conducted by Mr Kinnock when he visited in March on his party 's election trail .
19 The post office was started in 1860 ; the first postmaster was Mr Robert Harker and it stayed in this family for 100 years .
20 ALL eyes were on Princess Anne when she competed in the Downlands Horse Trials at Woolmer Farm , Liphook , this week twenty years ago .
21 most of the things that I 've done have been on Atlantic salmon and you put in Atlantic salmon and you get seven thousand eight hundred
22 " You 've learned a great deal from Sister Anne and I see in you the quality which is needed at Yelton .
23 Her ladyship told me that what kept her going throughout the service was a beautiful letter from Prince Charles that she carried in her handbag .
24 Gerry Harrison has been signed on loan from Bristol City and he plays in midfield …
25 Another repulsive force , the so-called C- field that Fred Hoyle and I used in the context of the steady-state cosmology , does however fill the bill admirably .
26 Dear Mr Tatchell When I lived in Bermondsey , until my family were bombed out while I was fighting to protect my country from outside evils , we had a saying , Bermondsey was a place where men were men and women counted as ‘ manholes ’ and members of the ‘ Middlesex Regiment ’ would not be tolerated .
27 The older man explained softly : ‘ The President has more enemies in the United States than he does in England .
28 Even more surprisingly , this little black and white indictment of the National Health Service did almost as well in the United States as it did in Britain .
29 But Galley maintains he feels safer in Lothian Road than he does in Glasgow city centre , a point which others reiterate during the evening .
30 Nevertheless , strong underlying trends have been pushing up costs in the United Kingdom as they have in other countries — the increasing sophistication of medical treatment , the survival of those who would have died in an earlier decade , new and expensive drugs , the growing awareness amongst the public of potential treatments , a reluctance to merely grin and bear pain and discomfort , and above all the ageing of the population .
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