Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [conj] [vb base] [pers pn] for " in BNC.

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1 " Say " Goodbye " nicely to Miss Nicandra and thank her for coming to pay you a little visit . "
2 Nevertheless I arranged to drive over to Strondonald the following Saturday afternoon and join him for tea .
3 Under the terms of the initial agreement , Thomson-CSF will be able to use the PowerPC architecture to develop digital processing functions for its equipment and will be licensed to manufacture some microprocessors from the PowerPC family and customise them for defence and aerospace applications .
4 That can mean only that the common agricultural policy is to be reformed in such a way as to take money from the United Kingdom and give it for cohesion to countries outside .
5 When the Shah and Empress received Marenches , he told them that the ayatollah had sent kidnappers to seize Hassans family and bargain them for the Shah .
6 Buy a Goblin Steamatic and try it for 30 days .
7 Bootleggers then copy the film onto hundreds of VHS tapes and sell them for up to £12 a piece .
8 But , rather than pay cash , Novell will issue about 1.1 million new shares of Novell stock and trade them for existing USL stock .
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