Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [verb] [pn reflx] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So it was off to the department stores of central London with a LASMO cheque to kit himself out with warm and waterproof clothes as a matter of some urgency .
2 Number eight forward Ken Tuta finds himself out of bounds after being sent off along with Portadown centre Michael Daly in yesterday 's match .
3 Neil Fairbrother ran himself out for 15 and Graham Lloyd fell to a brilliant tumbling catch by Stephenson .
4 After six o'clock , when the cheap rate had started , Karen King let herself out of the side door of Aunt Jane 's bungalow and walked the quarter of a mile to the public call box .
5 NIGEL Benn hauled himself back on Millionaires Row here in Italy by cutting up Mauro Galvano and grabbing the WBC world super middleweight title .
6 Ron Rooney objects to Dr Mitchell setting himself up as a moral censor ( Chem .
7 To explain precisely why it took until 1989 for the Reading Festival to haul itself back into something resembling the land of the living requires a closer look at the origins of this venerable institution .
8 Mr Mullings heaved himself up by the back of the bench for a better look .
9 Panting , Tom Watt jammed himself in beside me .
10 What , may we ask , caused the gate locking lever in Holton-le-Moor signalbox to ease itself out of the frame slowly but determinedly which , after thorough examination , provided no explanation as the rational cause ?
11 About 1,000 of the PKK forces gave themselves up to Iraqi Kurds who moved them to camps south of the Turkish border .
12 You can watch the newsreader 's lips getting into gear , like Fatima Whitbread psyching herself up for the big throw .
13 and the resourceful Jeeves Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry find themselves back in New York in the first new episode of the new and final series of Jeeves and Wooster beginning on I T V this week .
14 The minister 's entourage and assembled media swept into the narrow office building only to grind to a halt on the stairs while he and Mr Fallon shut themselves off for a brief chat .
15 So , when a couple named Holt decided to bring their marriage to an end , Mr Holt took himself off to Reno and filed a divorce suit .
16 Mrs Totteridge swung herself down from the horse 's back and strode to the Range Rover .
17 As Mrs Cohen sat herself down on one of the wooden kitchen chairs , a basin between her feet , and commenced with some savagery to pluck the feathers from the hen 's carcass , Judith made no comment .
18 Patrick O'Dell pulled himself up from his chair , trying to intervene .
19 This is bound to be seen as further evidence that Britain risks cutting itself off from the mainstream of European integration because of hostility both to economic and monetary union and to eventual political union .
20 Then slowly Father McGiff raised himself back to a kneeling position and , taking off his spectacles , he made the sign of the cross before closing his eyes in prayer .
21 Hilda Machin settled herself down on the chair , smiling happily and looking guilelessly at Mr Kronweiser who , if the truth were known , amused her very much .
22 Why did Doctor Jekyll lock himself up in his study ?
23 Slowly James Grierson pulled himself up from the floor .
24 WHINGEING Tony Cottee talked himself out of a job , then watched his stand-in play a major role in the Everton tragi-comedy that followed , writes Graham Fisher .
25 Stich in time : Michael Stich set himself up for Wimbledon with victory in the Stella Artois championships .
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